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John McCian vs Obama



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Post Tue Feb 05, 2008 7:08 pm

About the religious point, I think ti really doesn't matter. I mean either way the politician is going to believe deeply for something whether it's religious means or not. It also depends on the religion, I mean I would prefer a Christian president but I wouldn't prefer a Muslim president. So either way it just depends on what you believe, and I think religion doesn't really play a role because it just matters on what you believe and agree on with the politician.

I also took that test advent, not very seriously of course and rather carelessly, but I believe it said I agree mostly with McCain. Something like 33%. Actually all the candidates were very close to my liking according to that thing, with Obama coming in close last at like 20 something % and Clinton right above him lol.
It's not the religion that causes wars, it's the men who use religion as a means to control people that do.
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Post Tue Feb 05, 2008 8:39 pm

F**k this s**t! I'm tired of d**kheads running for president. Its time for clams LOL XD (making sexjokes). No but seriously I think clinton should win because she does have more experience and she has done a good job. I just hope we clinton supporters dont regret it if she starts unleashing her wrath of the menstral cycle LOL.
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Post Wed Feb 06, 2008 4:56 am

Well if Hillary or Obama become president, they will allow the UN to totally destroy our sovereignty, and they will submit our military to the One World Government, and America will be nothing. After it is set, our Freedom will be that of the old Roman Empire, a dictatorship run by the UN's military. there will be no gun ownership, no hunting, no defense against people trying to kill you or rob you. And if you don't submit yourself to saying the new 'World Pledge', then you will be punished severely. It's just like how Hitler made all of his men stick their hands in the air during those rallys, it is just like that, and if we don't raise our hands, we will be punished. The UN will have full control over all of the taxes, loans, money, fees, everything.


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Post Wed Feb 06, 2008 8:21 am

AdventWolf wrote:Well if Hillary or Obama become president, they will allow the UN to totally destroy our sovereignty, and they will submit our military to the One World Government, and America will be nothing.

I think you are being a bit unfair and very unrealistic. Neither of the two mentioned candidates have stated that exposing American bellies to the UN is an intention nor do I believe it is the agenda of the Democratic party. Where are you getting this one world government crap? Is it in reference to a speech Bush Senior made almost 20 years ago when he used the term "New World Order"? Senior got that phrase from a casual conversation he had with Vladimier Putin at the time and decided to toss it into one of his speeches to make it sound good. If you understood the politics of the time for example the fall of the wall and the end of the cold war you would understand what he meant.

Now I always try to look at both sides and present both cases so here I go.

Bill Clinton was impotent when it came to foreign policy. I believe it is possible that Hillary will be no different and continue to be a follower instead of a leader like her husband. We really do not know what Obama would do. I do know he has the courage to go against his party if he feels it is the right thing to do because he has stated this. That is leadership. This is what people need to learn about their candidates and more importantly their government.

Getting back to the rest of the post...

I keep hearing this "One World Government" phrase alot and what it really amounts to in my opinion is fear and ignorance about how and why policy is made and maintained. If you have evidence to the contrary I think we should open a new thread and discuss it in the open.

For the record Obama is Catholic not Muslim. He was never a Muslim despite his Muslim sounding name.

Oh and one more thing, learn everything you can about your candidate before you vote!


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Post Wed Feb 06, 2008 8:59 am

i believe obama is the most competent to run this country


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Post Wed Feb 06, 2008 2:28 pm

Because Hilary and Obama are both Pro- One World Government people, they might not say it all the time, because people don't wanna hear that. But you should know they are both Pro-UN. And the UN is working very hard on making all of this possible. She is also Pro-Socialism which means that she thinks everyone should be equal, all wages the same, everyone the same. And with Socialism, thus goes away Capitalism. No working hard and earning more money than others and living the life you want.

Bill Clinton hurt our Military, he cut funding in half and shut down bases.

I think Ace meant that about whether having a Religious President or not, IF he/she was religious, he would rather them be Christian and Not Muslim.

But yea, Hilary is Pro-UN and so is her husband, they will be fully willing to join the UN.

People think that our Economy was great because Clinton was in office, when really, it was already good before he came and it was because Reagan/Bush. Clinton just came in at the right time, and he enjoyed the praise because the economy was booming because of the previous presidencies. However, towards the end of Clinton's campaign, his leading got us down in the economy. Then before Bush came in office, the economy was bad, however Bush was blamed anyway.

During the Clinton Administration, there were so many scandals,

Clinton had affairs with like 2 woman, and another woman said he raped her.

Then there was the thing with during Clintons rule in Arkansas, the State Troopers there saw some things that where going on, and they where "suddenly killed"

Then there was this guy that knew Hilary and found out stuff about Whitewater and he was going to unveil it or something, and he was "suddenly" found dead in a park with his computer missing from his house. And there was no blood, prints or any traces of action with the dead guy.

Ah I found this. It shows a list of people that "committed suicide" "drowning" "murdered" and other mysterious deaths.


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Post Wed Feb 06, 2008 4:57 pm

AdventWolf wrote:Because Hilary and Obama are both Pro- One World Government people, they might not say it all the time, because people don't wanna hear that. But you should know they are both Pro-UN. And the UN is working very hard on making all of this possible. She is also Pro-Socialism which means that she thinks everyone should be equal, all wages the same, everyone the same. And with Socialism, thus goes away Capitalism. No working hard and earning more money than others and living the life you want.

Bill Clinton hurt our Military, he cut funding in half and shut down bases.

I think Ace meant that about whether having a Religious President or not, IF he/she was religious, he would rather them be Christian and Not Muslim.

But yea, Hilary is Pro-UN and so is her husband, they will be fully willing to join the UN.

People think that our Economy was great because Clinton was in office, when really, it was already good before he came and it was because Reagan/Bush. Clinton just came in at the right time, and he enjoyed the praise because the economy was booming because of the previous presidencies. However, towards the end of Clinton's campaign, his leading got us down in the economy. Then before Bush came in office, the economy was bad, however Bush was blamed anyway.

During the Clinton Administration, there were so many scandals,

Clinton had affairs with like 2 woman, and another woman said he raped her.

Then there was the thing with during Clintons rule in Arkansas, the State Troopers there saw some things that where going on, and they where "suddenly killed"

Then there was this guy that knew Hilary and found out stuff about Whitewater and he was going to unveil it or something, and he was "suddenly" found dead in a park with his computer missing from his house. And there was no blood, prints or any traces of action with the dead guy.

Ah I found this. It shows a list of people that "committed suicide" "drowning" "murdered" and other mysterious deaths.
thats crazy dude
but i believe a one world government is best, then all the hate in the world would be gone. People would work together to make this world a better place.

I see nothing wrong with a One World Government, but i see how you dont want the U.N. Dude YOU [/b]TAKE MY GUNS FROM ME even though im not old enough but i hunt and want it for protection when im older.

everyone get the same pay? THATS CRAZY, i would hate that. Stupid people should not be payed the same as smart people.


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Post Wed Feb 06, 2008 6:19 pm

Nah, hate will never leave this world, there will always be racism, sexism and all that other crap. It is inevitable. Religions will utterly hate each other forever. It will be funny when this One World Government shows up, there will be "One Religion".. That is impossibly, there are hundreds of billions of people that are truly devout to their religion, they won't be willing to switch to some "Earth Goddess" Religion.

Also the pledge to "humanity" that goes along with this is implying that the World Created us, so if you state the pledge you will be rejecting God or whoever you believe in, since you are stating that the world created us. This is truly scary, I mean it will be a dictatorship, but I guess this sounds alright compared to some countries.

There will also be NO borders, NO Passports, NO personal jets :wink:
You will not be able to move unless the One World Government says you can. They will be able to track us all, and if you don't do as they say then you will be punished.. geez.


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Post Wed Feb 06, 2008 9:05 pm

AdventWolf wrote: Bill Clinton hurt our Military, he cut funding in half and shut down bases.

Sorry to have to inform you that it was Bush Senior that initially passed the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission in 1990 that lead to those closures and the reduction in our armed forces. Senior did it because our main adversary, Russia, went bankrupt and was no longer the ominous threat to America that it once was. We did not need a large military anymore, especially one with nothing to do; it just cost too much. By the time legislation went through and people were appointed for the job Bill was in office.

Ace can think whatever he likes. As of right now America still allows free thought. I just wanted to clear the record on Obama. Many people believe that he does not say the pledge of allegiance when in fact he leads it whenever congress starts a session. Despite Barrack's name he is not Muslim. Obama was named after his father whom obviously was no longer a practicing Muslim if ever he was because it is against Islam to marry an "infidel". Obama's mother was white and born in the midwest Kansas or Oklahoma (it is late and I am too lazy to verify right now. Someone just prove me wrong if you doubt it) By the time Obama Jr was 2 Obama Sr. had divorced his mom and split. Obama Sr. died in Kenya while driving a taxi in 2002.

I agree that the Clintons do not deserve credit for the "great economy" that existed in the mid to late 90s. I credit the dot com boom for that. I also blame Tycho, Enron, and World Com to name a few for "cooking" their books and causing the recession that gripped the nation when W took office.

Bill had many affairs I just want to add that none of them surprised Hillary. She knew and let Bill continue as long as it did not impede her ambitions of going to the White House. She knew about Monica before Bill was re-elected. That is why Monica worked at the Pentagon by the time the affair became public. Hillary had her transferred. Why was Monica not fired instead? Because Monica was installed in the White House as a favor to a campaign donor. Monica's grades were not good enough to get her in the White House on her own. She fooled around with the only person that could guarantee her a job and ended up getting burned in the worse way in the end.

I am glad to see someone else posting reasons why the Clintons should not return to the White House.

I think it is amazing how the general public and the media have such a short memory of the past.


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Post Thu Feb 07, 2008 4:36 am

I have no doubts of Obama, I don't think he is "That Muslim Cadidate" or anything or have anything against him. The Media wouldn't talk about all this, and they refused to talk about a bulk of it when it was actually happening. They turned the other cheek because they favored the Clintons.


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Post Thu Feb 07, 2008 12:31 pm

What's your problem? "Ace can believe whatever he wants to believe", makes it sound like your implying that I'm wrong when it's my opinion. But to clear up that misunderstanding I wasn't referring to Obama at all. I actually had terrorism in my mind when I mentioned Muslim. It was just the first thing that came up in my head when I tried to think of a president I wouldn't want, and since a good amount of terrorism is brought about by Muslims, or at least they say they are, that's why I said I wouldn't want a Muslim president. But whatever, don't see why you thought I was talking about Obama or how ever you even drew that conclusion at all.
It's not the religion that causes wars, it's the men who use religion as a means to control people that do.
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Post Thu Feb 07, 2008 1:23 pm

Hey Advent...Remember when u said about "the world will have 1 world goverment prolly before Jesus comes back so the Anti-Christ will have it easier to control the world" (or something along those lines). Well if Clinton won...and put us in the UN care i can bet u a LOT of the world would join. So in essence this would be 1 step closer to Jesus Returning.

Im not trying to start another religion topic. Im just sharing this with Advent but so everyone can see.

I hope Obama and Clinton lose HORRIBLY and McCain wins. Obama sounds like a terrorist name and i dont want to relive the Clinton family ruling.
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Post Thu Feb 07, 2008 2:16 pm

Thats right Bk :D. It is possibly one more step, but thats a bad thing since this thing is apart of the Bible prophecy so it can't really be stopped.
Well more about the One World Government:

The Power all lies in FIVE People. They are called the 'Presidium' which in some language means "Rule by a few". These 5 people will alternate between the Presidential position. And the other 4 will be Vice Presidents. Everything in the Constitution ties together with the Presidium and it is clearly seen that they hold ALL of the power. There will be no Checks and Balances, no equality among all the branches and what not (Well there are 3 houses, but they are ploys to distract from the true source of power). The UN wants us to think that this system will be a republic, but it will truly be a Dictators. Oh yea! I forgot, the Constitution FAILS to mention how these 5 supreme leaders come into office, and it fails to mention that they can only rule a certain number of terms. It doesn't speak of their successors or anything. But I'm sure that their successors will work their way up from the special "Training Administrator School" place, that is suppose to Educate people or "brain wash" people to believe the ideas and fight for the ideas of the government. This Training Facility is a 'pool' of Administrators to be appointed into office.

Notice: No elections being taken place for office. All of the officeholders and key figures are somehow picked from select areas that are meant for "Training" new 'leaders' for this organization.

There will also be 'Re-Education' in schools. Sounds scary right? In the Sci-Fi movies or Action movies, that means 'Brain washing, or Creating Mindless Zombies'. Well the education in these schools will be nothing like the schools we come to know. The Government will try to make history disappear and prevent kids from learning about 'Dictatorship' and 'Freedom' and the Revolutionary War, and Good overcoming Evil, and all that good stuff. The UN will try to take out anything that might be used to bring people against them. Some of you might know about Japans schooling, they have done a little 're-education' of their own. I bet you'd think that WWII would be spoken of greatly in the texts and share all the great battles and victories right? Nope, there is about one measly sentence. It speaks that 'Japan was in a conflict' or something. Thats it, and previously in history Germany and I think one other country has done the same. To get rid of the bad parts of history.
In these new schools, kids will learn of the great of the One World Government and the "good" it is doing.

I am telling you this because it does relate to the presidency, you don't want to vote for someone who will allow this sort of tragedy to occur to the world. I guess I'll keep filling you guys in every once in a while about this great 'One World Constitution'


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Post Thu Feb 07, 2008 5:32 pm

The United States (let alone the entire world) will never allow a "one world government" - especially as skewed as the one you describe. I know there are theories and supposed guidelines and structure behind the idea, but it is simply an idea that will never be more than an idea.

D3ViLsAdvocate wrote:Try shaking the salt harder onto your tongue.


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Post Thu Feb 07, 2008 6:20 pm

Yea it seems impossible for this to happen, and hopefully it won't. So I guess everyone heard Romney dropped out earlier today? or maybe it was last night. But yea, since he is out it will drive more votes to Huckabee I think.

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