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Post Sun Oct 07, 2007 4:39 pm

Which Console

Ok. I have a problem. I have 2 choices.
I already have a original psp.

I can
A: Get a Wii for Christmas and a PSP slim in a few days
B: Get an Xbox 360 Elite for Christmas.

Which one would you recommend? Which games would you recommend for each? and which accessories should i get?

Thanks for your help. And dont say its off topic cause its in the general section....
I kinda want the xbox360 since my cuz is getting one too and we can talk and play halo against each other some more
Last edited by Anonymous on Sun Oct 07, 2007 5:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Post Sun Oct 07, 2007 4:53 pm

Go for the 360, if you want good supernatural games, I recommend that, plus Halo is great.
The Wii is so boring and the psp slim isn't really that worth it.


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Post Sun Oct 07, 2007 6:21 pm

Get a 360. just because of two games BioShock and Halo 3.

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Post Sun Oct 07, 2007 6:41 pm

what they said. i dont really enjoy the wii that much, it doesnt have a lasting appeal on me. but i think my mind might change up when i get to play SSBB :D. i mainly got the wii because of the virtual console and was able to play all those old nintendo games again, but now that i have my psp i dont need it, and i can just play N64 games on the PC. So probably a 360 or a PS3 :D.


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Post Sun Oct 07, 2007 7:31 pm

My answer would depend on what type of tv you have, and if you play your video games with a group of people rather than by yourself...

If you have a nice lcd tv then i'd say go with the 360 elite, just because its almost a waste to buy a ps3 or 360 without a good tv to get the best out of the graphics. On the other hand, if you spend the majority of your gameplay with friends or family then i would suggest getting a wii and slim because the wii is more so meant for groups of people rather than playing alone.
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Post Sun Oct 07, 2007 8:04 pm

staxx wrote:If you have a nice lcd tv then i'd say go with the 360 elite, just because its almost a waste to buy a ps3 or 360 without a good tv to get the best out of the graphics.

I know I may get shunned for this... but honestly, you don't need a new lcd tv to enjoy a ps3 or 360, at least certainly not in my opinion. I've barely played the next gen systems, but I've watched them be played. Truth be told, they just aren't my thing. But there's one thing I've noticed. The games look GREAT on a regular tv, and I don't think that they "hinder" the game graphics.

I was once at Best Buy watching my bud play on the display 360 right after release, and the salesperson there was like, "Yea, it looks great doesn't it? You really need high definition to enjoy this. It looks terrible without it." He was replying to a comment that I made about the graphics on Call of Duty (I think it was). Anyways, he then proceeded to "back up" what he claimed, and took a little panel off of the back of the display, apparently flipping a switch to disable the HD. He said something like, "big difference without the HD eh?" and my friend and I were kinda thinking the guy didn't know what he was talking about. See, when he did that, the graphics seemed better, so I asked him if he actually turned it off. He said he did, and welcomed me to look at the back of the display. Sure enough, he had... and I thought it looked BETTER after he did that because with the game's already existing anti-aliasing, and other various graphical adjustments, the normal display looked fine... but with the high definition, it actually created VERY noticeable pixel goofs around the edges of objects.

Sorry for storytelling/ ranting, but that's just my honest opinion. I mean, I saw a commercial the other day on tv that was advertising a hitachi hdtv. I'm sure you guys have seen it; it's the one with a girl in a dress walking a white leopard or something. The camera zooms in and you can even see the indents in its tongue and stuff... truly a good picture. But... you have to keep in mind that you are simply watching a commercial, and that the great image you just saw did not require an hdtv to appreciate it...

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Post Sun Oct 07, 2007 8:22 pm

Hey so what i have heard the psp slim isnt that great and i have the Wii and its fun at 1st but after a while it gets really really boring like mario party 8. If its on one player it sucks. so i would get the 360 because thats tight and they have halo 3 out even though i dont like it and the sports games are sooo cool!!!
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Post Sun Oct 07, 2007 8:22 pm

lolol your too old fashioned pacman...You really mean to tell me that the quality of a regular tube tv can compare to a nice brand new lcd flatscreen tv? When you look at the tv's on display in stores, if they have lets say a viewsonic lcd sitting next to sony lcd you can even see a huge difference and their both lcd's, "why?" your probably wondering...well it mostly has to do with the Native Resolution as well as the HDFormats.
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Post Mon Oct 08, 2007 12:27 am

I'm not going to deny that larger hdtv televisions are better at displaying an image with a better screen clarity than normal televisions.

I'm also not going to deny that a movie on bluray format looks better than a movie in DVD format.

Even still, I'm not going to say that a game system is a waste of money for such a subtle difference either.

The 360 is a good system, but if you have an older television, don't be afraid to purchase the 360. It will still look amazing, and yes, it will still look "next gen" in every aspect of the gameplay. The benefit of an hdtv lcd display would be that it doesn't warp slightly at the edges of the screen, and that it also holds a better clarity in the picture. A big issue with lcd displays would be that you have to be very particular about what you buy. Throwing down the money on an lcd display that has noticeable ghosting issues is a complete waste of money.

D3ViLsAdvocate wrote:Try shaking the salt harder onto your tongue.


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Post Mon Oct 08, 2007 2:11 am

I think you should so get the xbox 360. I mean I got the Wii for last Christmas, and I'm glad I got one of them instead of a 360 a year ago because now it has the new heatsink and all that to prevent overheating along with a 3 year warranty. But besides that, the Wii was fun, but like everyone said, only with a group of people. I'll probably break out my Wii again this thanksgiving/Christmas, but I'm definitly getting a 360 this Christmas ;) . And I don't see why you "shouldn't get one" just because you don't have an hdtv. I have a 20" flat screen cathode ray tv, and saying I shouldn't get a 360 just because the graphics will look a little different is retarded. I know people say there is a huge difference, but like pacman said I just don't see that much of a difference to go otu and spend an arm and a leg on a tv.

All in all you should so get a 360 now ;)
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Post Mon Oct 08, 2007 3:36 am

simple awnser

... deth to xbox!!!!

halo 3 blows and you have that monthly fee to pay to be able to play online... stupid xbox. i say screw both choices and get a ps3.


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Post Mon Oct 08, 2007 4:04 am

I have a 50 inch tv in the living room. Ive played a 360 on it before and it looks nice. I think im getting an xbox 360.


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Post Mon Oct 08, 2007 10:57 am

Evidently tbag doesn't have any friends to play halo 3 with...

You should get halo 3, assassin's creed, COD4, and Rainbow 6 vegas(those are at least my favorite games so far, excluding COD4 and AC, but I really wanna play them) ;) Get one of those 12 month cards for xbox live while your at it. It does sorta suck having to buy a card for xbox live once every year, but I don't see why you guys can't deal out like 4 bucks a month lol. That's all it really is if you buy a 12 month card. Get one for Christmas, then every month take out 4 bucks of your lunch money a month and one month take out another extra dollar (darn no Cheeto's for you one day, what a bummer) and bam, no big deal. I don't see much of an argument since ps3's online service's isn't really anything compared to xbox live. But hey you get what you pay for.

Hit me up this Christmas and I'll beast you at some H3 :p
Might want to get some extra controllers and those rechargeable battery's, and a headset. That's pretty much it.
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Post Mon Oct 08, 2007 10:58 am

i heard that COD4 was the best, had a friend test it in beta.


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Post Mon Oct 08, 2007 12:08 pm

O and I forgot to mention Unreal Tournament 3 is supposed to be pretty sweet. I mean the unreal engine was designed for the actual unreal tournament game anyways, so if games that use it now look that good, there's no telling how sweet unreal tournament 3 is going to be.
But hey, looks like this is Activision's 4th try at making a COD game and looks like to me they hit the nail on the head so far. I have to say COD is one of my favorite war/FPS game series ever next to medal of honor (COD is better!) and it has been around for a good while so yea. Not to mention Gears of War just came out as the first installment to the series and it is pretty beast. If only the 360 would've stayed in development for 1 more year, maybe it would be a better console then it is today (specifically there troubles with the gpu overheating)

Merry Early Christmas, this critique was brought to you by ace_012.
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