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Is it worth checking your mental health?



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Post Mon Dec 19, 2022 5:10 am

Is it worth checking your mental health?

Hello, I was wondering if I should have my mental health checked at all. Is it so important? Or is it even possible to let it go and go on with your quiet life? Further, are these procedures expensive? And perhaps they are useless at all, how do you even feel about it?

That's how many questions I have 8)


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Post Tue Dec 20, 2022 7:34 am

Re: Is it worth checking your mental health?

Yeah, it's cool that you have a lot of questions, but are you even going to solve any of them? I'm not sure we're going to give you any advice now, and you're going to listen to that advice and memorize it, so it seems completely useless to me.

I'm sorry dude, but I feel like you just want to communicate.


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Post Tue Dec 20, 2022 1:22 pm

Re: Is it worth checking your mental health?

God of course you should get that checked out. You go to the doctor, for example, to check your overall health and to see if you have any hidden diseases, so check for mental illness. It's not going to be an outside dude, for God's sake don't be stupid.



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Post Wed Dec 21, 2022 6:10 am

Re: Is it worth checking your mental health?

You can look at some of the main criteria that show that your mental health is good:
Understanding the constancy and identity of your self
Ability to stay active
Controlling your own emotions
Controlling one's own behaviour according to social norms
The ability to plan and execute plans

But all in all, if what I wrote for you didn't give you anything and you still don't understand anything, then I can tell you that in that case you should go to some specialist or take an online test for your mental health. The people who made up the test that is on this website mental health test quiz , are licensed. And they are professional therapists who can help you and give you a lot. Good advice about your mental health as well as pointing out its condition. Anyway, I think we've pretty much covered everything already, and I've answered a bunch of your questions that you have. :mrgreen:

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