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Legal Marijuana?


mice R nice

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Post Wed Aug 06, 2008 5:28 pm

Move to Britain, they love mice there, i think...


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Post Wed Aug 06, 2008 5:49 pm

they sure have alot of them on the streets.
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Post Wed Aug 06, 2008 6:09 pm

Ok get back on topic or get it locked. No more spamming, also argue in a civilized manner. Thanks.
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Post Wed Aug 06, 2008 6:13 pm

bah, that's funnie, k then, sure.

I would think that it be a major threat to all the kids because they would get stoned. Reason being is that more ppl would want to do weed than ppl who would want to drink alcohol, and therefore it would be more popular if it were to become legal, and EVERYONE would do it... Making it wayy to popular and like a 999% increase in kids doing it.


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Post Wed Aug 06, 2008 6:48 pm

100% with mice on this one.
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Post Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:23 pm

If pot was legal and boze wasn't, everybody would want the boze because they can't have it, its just a way of life. You can never please anybody in this world.


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Post Wed Aug 06, 2008 8:42 pm

mice R nice ~(_"> wrote:bah, that's funnie, k then, sure.

I would think that it be a major threat to all the kids because they would get stoned. Reason being is that more ppl would want to do weed than ppl who would want to drink alcohol, and therefore it would be more popular if it were to become legal, and EVERYONE would do it... Making it wayy to popular and like a 999% increase in kids doing it.
thats not necessarily a bad thing
as i stated before, scientist in Europe found that small amounts of marijuana can promote brain cell growth and improves the thought process
so if the children are responsible kids it could actually help them
i also think its up to the parents to decide, even though im 14 and smoke, i dont believe most 14 year old are knowledgeable enough to grasp the concept of responsibility.

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Post Wed Aug 06, 2008 8:59 pm

0.000017% of high school kids (the main mass of ppl that will be affected by this) are responsible kids, they will go overboard, and when it comes down to it, weed will lead to meth and open the doors to making kids think it's ok to do drugs. Being an insane weed user will take a deadlier toll than being an insane alcoholic

And one more thing, the little brain increase thing, it's just a stimulant and it will be EXTREMELY minimal brain growth if any... Plus alcohol intensely fortifies the liver when drunk periodically, so there's no argument there...


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Post Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:39 pm

mice R nice ~(_"> wrote:0.000017% of high school kids (the main mass of ppl that will be affected by this) are responsible kids, they will go overboard, and when it comes down to it, weed will lead to meth and open the doors to making kids think it's ok to do drugs. Being an insane weed user will take a deadlier toll than being an insane alcoholic

And one more thing, the little brain increase thing, it's just a stimulant and it will be EXTREMELY minimal brain growth if any... Plus alcohol intensely fortifies the liver when drunk periodically, so there's no argument there...


B347 7H47!!!

I concede your point. I think it would create more underage users to use, but, there needs to be a comparative here.

1.) Alcohol is a poison. If you drink too much alcohol, and drink it too quickly, your body will black out as a means to help prevent itself from not absorbing anymore poison. If you drink too much - too fast, your body may not be able to black out in time, and you can easily get alcohol poisoning. It's also not terribly uncommon for people to go into a coma or even die from this kind of use. Currently, alcohol is legal for "responsible drinkers", as I feel it should be. There's responsible people that enjoy alcohol and it's also a great market.

2. Cigarettes are poison. More than that, of the over 4,000 chemicals in cigarettes, 51 are scientifically proven to be carcinogenic, or in other words, directly linked and/ or at least partly responsible for developing cancer. Just as alcohol use can cause types of cancer, it's believed that cigarette smoking has the potential to cause even more types of cancer. Currently, cigarette smoking is legal because the habit of smoking has been around for centuries. Why break a habit when it makes corporations so much money?

3. Cannabis is not a poison. The active "ingredient" in marijuana is called, "tetrahydrocannabinol", or THC. THC is an all natural substance. Marijuana can not be overdosed on. It is physically impossible. If you wanted to create an overdose in a human through smoking marijuana, you'd have to smoke 1,500 pounds of marijuana in under 15 minutes - something the human body isn't even capable of to begin with. Cancer is linked to smoking marijuana only through inhaling smoke, which isn't healthy for anyone to do, even campfire smoke, which may be worse than inhaling smoke from marijuana in the first place.

So let's see. If 0.000017% of high school kids are responsible, leaving the vast majority to be irresponsible, wouldn't you rather them getting their fix from an all-natural substance in which they can't suddenly die from or is scientifically linked to 51 well-established carcinogenic chemicals? If they are going to be bad, why not give them the safest way to do so? Better yet, if there are millions of people in the United States that smoke marijuana during their leisure time already, why wouldn't it be legal? - especially when comparing it with the terrible side effects and immense carcinogenic properties known, respectively, to alcohol consumption and the smoking of cigarettes?

D3ViLsAdvocate wrote:Try shaking the salt harder onto your tongue.


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Post Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:51 pm

Maybe you should go and fight for the bill DarkPacMan. seems like you've got what it takes.
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Post Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:54 pm

ppl who would ever do weed in skool would definitely smoke cigs, I see wayy too many kids smoking cigs and at this point my bottom line is that it would destroy the youth because their mindset would imply to them that it all gewd and that they can do whatever they want, because first off, if it were to become legal, then it would be legal to ppl over 18 or over 21, and since we established that kids will be exposed to weed and will be affected by it, this means that they're already breaking the law and it will be very easy if this law is passed because of all the vast abundance of weed that will be EVERYWHERE, this would just give kids the motivation to keep breaking the law, they already think they're immune because they're getting stoned all the time underage so what's stopping them from smoking cigs all the time and passing out every second from drinking too much.

On another note, the main three illegal substance abuses that kids do is weed, alcohol, and cigarettes. And the only thing that's stopping 99.99983% (an exaggeration of course) of irresponsible kids from getting drunk, stoned, and smoking literally ALL THE TIME is the fact that it's illegal, now imagine if one of those three becomes 999% more abundant, that will be catastrophic...



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Post Thu Aug 07, 2008 10:01 pm

Equ1ox wrote:Maybe you should go and fight for the bill DarkPacMan. seems like you've got what it takes.

Thanks! haha.

I don't mean to take the opposite side from the majority of people here. I actually think that it's a good thing that many of the people who've responded to this thread are opposed to smoking marijuana personally. I think that's a good thing because some people do tend to stray from life a bit and get caught up in other, more harmful things. But I take the opposite side in my posts here to show that even though many of you may not personally want to smoke marijuana, or really want others to smoke it, that those people also understand that it technically infringes on some of the founding principles of our great nation if we were to continue denying people the ability to smoke marijuana.

I don't like cigarettes, but I wouldn't vote against them. They make tons of money and there's a vast amount of people that enjoy cigarettes. It would seem very unconstitutional to take away someones ability to smoke cigarettes. Just the same, when applied to the recreational and responsible smoking of marijuana, it just seems highly unconstitutional and inappropriate for the government to step in and tell people that they shouldn't smoke marijuana - especially when you consider how many pennies such new legislation could put in Uncle Sam's back pocket.

@ mice - Amsterdam isn't a catastrophe. Beyond that, people shouldn't be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people.

I just don't see how someone can say that, even while alcohol and cigarettes are legal, that they are so outwardly against marijuana, even though, by marginal comparison, the smoking of marijuana is several times a more healthy thing to do than drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes. It's also impossible to become addicted to marijuana.

D3ViLsAdvocate wrote:Try shaking the salt harder onto your tongue.


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Post Thu Aug 07, 2008 10:08 pm

yea i know what you mean.
it reminds me alot of a letter that was once read to me by a teacher.
it was from a girl to her mother and it read,

Dear mom,

Im running of to las vegas to get married in a drive through with my new boyfriend butch.
we met last night at a bar. we both may do drugs like heroine, crack and weed every once and a while, but we're in love and thats all that matters.
and were both getting matching tattoos and mohawks for the wedding!

your daughter

P.S. This whole thing was made up just so you understood that there are worse things than my report card thats sitting on my desk.
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Post Thu Aug 07, 2008 10:13 pm

DarkPacMan77 wrote: Just the same, when applied to the recreational and responsible smoking of marijuana...

1.) You can't make a law that says responsible smoking of weed only, it WILL get out of hand I guarantee it
2.) Weed is just wayy too popular and harmful even when it's not legal, so just to make it short and sweet, it will be ten times more popular when it becomes legal, and this poses the biggest risk as I covered before
3.) Amsterdam is a disaster, why else do you think New Yorkers changed their name?


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Post Fri Aug 08, 2008 9:20 am

mice R nice ~(_"> wrote:
DarkPacMan77 wrote: Just the same, when applied to the recreational and responsible smoking of marijuana...

1.) You can't make a law that says responsible smoking of weed only, it WILL get out of hand I guarantee it
2.) Weed is just wayy too popular and harmful even when it's not legal, so just to make it short and sweet, it will be ten times more popular when it becomes legal, and this poses the biggest risk as I covered before
3.) Amsterdam is a disaster, why else do you think New Yorkers changed their name?
Amsterdam is a disaster? LOL
you obviously have never set foot in a different country then the one you are currently a inhabitant of have you?
have you even been to Amsterdam? Do you know anyone from Amsterdam? Do you even know what country Amsterdam is in?
That just show ignorance, to talk blindly when you have never been to such a city. Im 100% sure you havent, because if you would have then you wouldnt call it a disaster.

You said we cant make a law saying responsible smokers only?
Well we cant make a law telling people what they are allowed to do when it harms no one.
What kind of sick and twisted person whats it moral to be able to make a law that limits what a individual is able to do when its harms no one?
If you truly believe that some divine entity gives you the right to do such a thing, then you are truly a sick person.
Weed is harmful? I love that phrase, when people say weed is harmful, makes me lol

Why dont you go on google and research a little and prove to me that tis harmful. Studies in the U.S. all show it is harmful, but studies done in European countries like Netherland where it is legal to use weed shows its harmfulness is virtually nothing.
Do you know why that is?

Well in U.S., since it is illegal they are only able to test on monkeys which we know are EXACTLY like humans(sarcasm)
but in Netherland where they are ALLOWED to test on HUMANS they find that the only harmful material is the tar, which they say is so little that it has no affects on your lungs.

Now lets see, should be trust studies done on monkeys or humans, you decide.

Also, please tell me if my information is inaccurate

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