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Brewology Affiliation Request

PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2007 3:34 pm
by .Yunoko
I'm not a mod on Xboxbrew so could a mod please sticky this... Brewology Is adding a Affiliate System to make the forum more active. Please if anybody has a forum and can follow the rules below please don't hesitate to do this. We need your support to keep this place alive thank you.

Brewology Affiliate Application

If you would like to affiliate with Brewology (PSPbrew, XboxBrew, GraphixBrew, WiiBrew, PS3brew) please fill out the form below via replying:.

Application Form:

Name Of Your Site/Forum:
Site Link:
Button Link:
Number Of Members:
Position On The Forum:

Terms of Service for Affiliating:

1. Our affiliate button must be on your website/forum before applying
2. You must have at least 50 members on your forum
3. You must have at least 200 posts in total on your forum
4. If there are any changes or anything like that to the forum/website, please report back to us ASAP
5. We do not affiliate with forums or website that contains the following: warez, porn, cheats, racism etc.
6. Your forum button dimensions must be 88x31
*Other rules will be added any time without notice so keep a heads up.


<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Brewology"></a>

Thank you for your time,
Brewology Staff