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Homebrew Problem

PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 11:13 am
by Yoshiboshi3
Hi! :D Im new here.

Before I tell you my problem, let me tell you the situation.

So i got a PSP 3.03. To play a certain game i wanted to play i had to upgrade to 3.52. Then i wuz like aw man now i cant downgrade.


My dad had a PSP 3.03 as well, so we traded, and i downgraded that via Liberty City Stories.

So now i have 1.5

Im liek Yayz.

So im reletivly new to homebrew.

But ive found i can only run certain homebrew.

Lets say the game is Super Mini Mario.

I get 2 files:


SMM has the data in it and comes up as a corrupted data on my PSP, but if i dont have it the game wont start.


The majorety of games here DONT have that. They just have one folder. Lets take The Legend of Zelda: Portable Adventures for and exampel.

I get one folder:

The Legend of Zelda

When i put this in my PSP game folder, and try to run it, it says the game cant be started.

How do i boot such games?

ace says: Don't post your question in the tutorials section when there is a help section right above it. Please read teh rulezerz, I also just noticed you posted two duplicate threads. Don't be a nublet.