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Young Brewer

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Post Thu Mar 06, 2008 4:13 pm


or yet another annoying magic memory stick question

I'm analysing the TotalNewbieInstaller in order to recreate the 4th option, the universal unbricker/downgrader.

I was able to set up my psp only by extracting the uniunbr.rar files directly to my properly formatted ms, and writing the msipl.bin manually.

How far does your understanding of the msipl.bin and /kd directory go? I've pretty much narrowed everything else down as far as what is required to create the mms, but i'm a little lost as to the origin of the msipl.bin, while I know it is created during the pandora process (gleaned from the readme), I don't know if the versioning matters, or if the msipl.bin written differs based on n variable. Also I do not know the origin of the /kd directory, while browsing my flash, I saw that I had one there, the files contained within were different than the /kd directory within uniunbr.

my goal is to create a tutorial based on the method I used for individuals who encountered similar issues and were unable to use the easy installer as-is, and generally prefer to do things manually. Secondly to prepare an archive file similar in theory to the uniunbr.rar but instead of using an older despertar el cementario, to use the newest version, which installs 3.80m33 instead of 3.71M33.


Brewology Moderator
Brewology Moderator

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Post Thu Mar 06, 2008 6:29 pm

Well, you can just use the total newbie installer and replace the files for the 3.80 m33 pandora. Directions to do so are in the readme.

In any case, i don't really know much about the msipl.bin file, but I do know that after it is created you don't need to make another one as it isn't specific to any 1 installer. I think there just may be some copyright issues surrounding it and thats why the original installer generates the file and doesn't come with it pre-packaged.
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Young Brewer

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Post Thu Mar 06, 2008 6:51 pm

actually the msipl.bin is packaged in the uniunbr.rar archive.

thanks for the data though.

EDIT: what readme are you referring to? there is no readme in the TOTALNewbieasyInstallerPandorasmenu archive, or are you referring to something else?

EDIT: after doing more reading, the only reason cfw is needed for despertar el cementerio is to create the msipl.bin
so apparently that's what allows the easy archive program to install without the use of a second psp, because the msipl.bin files exist within the archive.


Brewology Moderator
Brewology Moderator

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Post Fri Mar 07, 2008 4:56 am

I'm talking about the readme in the Despertar del Cementerio v4 package. Tells you how to update your already created magic memory stick.
Founding father of the Wiibrew Packgen.
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Young Brewer

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Post Fri Mar 07, 2008 6:48 am

ah, yes, that I have read.

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