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360 or ps3

PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 7:15 pm
by staxx
I'm considering purchasing one of those systems in the near future and i've noticed that a lot of the games are made for both systems with the exception of maybe a handful. Anyways what i would like to know are the pros and cons of the two systems from your experiences with them and any other comparison scenarios like hd discs vs blu ray discs and whatnot. Lets get it rollin :D

PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 7:48 pm
by Slick
One of the most difficult questions to answer for, it all depends on your taste.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 7:53 pm
by kellytna123
360 has better games /ps3 has more hardware features

PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 8:14 pm
by Figz
I have owned both and can honestly say I prefer the PS3 hands down.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 4:10 am
by BKFraiders7
I have been studying this too...... and from what i head READ and TESTED 360 is better. Also depends if you want 360 arcade (new basic),premium, or Elite.


Elite has the biggest hard drive out of all of them(120gb) so more music and HI DEF shows you can put on it.
Most games now are being made for 360 and then ported to ps3. (much similiar to the ps2 ported to xbox)
There is a LOT more games out for 360 then for ps3
One thing, XboxLIVE!

But the lack of wireless turned me away a little. It does come with a big ethernet cable tho.
Overheating has been a problem but is now being adressed (buy an intercooler while your at it.)


Looks nice
Games will look better (a little)
Supports 7 wireless
You can connect your ps2 contollers to it (have to buy adapter)
Wireless internet.

No one REALLY needs bluray yet. This is a cheap buy if you do tho.
Not many games.

Thats about all thats at the top of my head. I will post more later.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 6:28 am
by AdventWolf
how much would a standard blu-ray player cost? that is basically what the PS3 is, and it is maybe to come out with a 40GB for $400. And I think most blu-ray players cost 500+. But yea, we don't really need blu-ray, i mean i was even fine with VHS there was no problem with that to me. DVDs are like the best, I'd rather just watch a movie, than watch the expert detail of some sweat on some guys face. or w/e.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 6:55 am
by ace
I'd have to say PS3. I don't have neither system personally but have seen many nights at my friends house playing both consoles. I really think 360 has better games. Plus it has Halo 3 :) I really like it because of the online play though and it's cheaper. If you like playing games with your firends or online I highly suggest the 360, it's like magnificent compared to ps3's online play, which is horrible.

I believe the only thing that the ps3 has over the 360 is graphics, it can use multimedia cards, sixaxis controllers availiable from local stores, and blue ray. But it costs an arm and a leg.

But with 360 you get wayy better online play, you could mod it up if you wanted to (hardware mods especially, that alone could outweigh anything the ps3 has), better games, cheaper (you get one with a 120gb hard drive & 2 free games 50 bucks cheaper then a ps3 with a 80gb hd & only 1 free game), and there's really an unlimited amount of ways your 360 can look (3 different paintjobs strait from the store, along with those gamer skin sticker things and faceplates, not to even mention hardware mods, which open up even different performance between systems).

I mean really, all ps3's pretty much look the same aside from stickers. But look how unique the 360's are. Just buying one strait from the store yo have 3 different paintjobs you can choose between.

So end the end, if your into the best graphics ever, or the whole multimedia thing like HD tv, getting blue ray movies to make your movies look the best they can look then get the ps3, if your into everything else get the 360.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 10:31 am
by Reigo80
I agree with Ace, i've played both but I don't own them and the 360 has way better games (Halo 3 and Gears of War FTW). The online play is awesome compared to the PS3. Me and my friend who owns both (He's rich) spent hours trying to get into an online game on the PS3, it was really sad. I'm trying to save for a 360 mainly because of its games and its price.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 12:38 pm
by Beatz
well i just bought a 360 and my dad was considering getting me a ps3 the reason i didnt was because

not many of my friends have it so not much fun their

the online play isnt the same as 360's online play

the games arent that good just better graphics but lame gameplay (some are good)

and over all appearence doesnt attract me as i have my 360 standing up right next to my monitor of my computer cuz i hooked it up to my comp but that was for personal preference

if i were you i would choose wat you prefer in game types but if u really want fun over graphics i would go for 360 as thats wat it provides

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 4:21 pm
by Mailas
Im only saying you should get 360 because of Halo 3. I seriously cant stop playing it the multiplayer is fun
and its really nice how you can play campaign online now too.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 4:28 pm
by kellytna123
Mailas G wrote:Im only saying you should get 360 because of Halo 3. I seriously cant stop playing it the multiplayer is fun
and its really nice how you can play campaign online now too.

Halo3 was really good but it wore off 3weeks later.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 4:57 pm
by BKFraiders7
U got live Kellytna? If not then no duh it wore out on you. Halo1 2 and 3 is pretty much just for the LIVE.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 5:16 pm
by .Yunoko
Simple. PS3.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 5:23 pm
by kellytna123
i do have live but still it wored off.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 5:42 pm
by blackzmage
xbox 360 has a lot of better gqmes and a little cheaper
ps3 has batter graphic but more simulation games