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Post Sun Nov 04, 2007 11:13 am

New Dell

Ok, so i have a Dell E1505. AND GUESS WHAT! Dell sent me some paper work that said i still have a warranty. And they also told my uncle (same brand laptop and same warranty) that if the problem cant be fixed they will provide me with the most current model (1502 or something like that. HD disply, petter WIFI, and a lot more). So i had this crazy idea. If something "accidently" broke i could send it back and get a BRAND spankin new one(NEW MODEL!!!) with everything better.

What do yall think? should i or shouldnt i?
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Post Sun Nov 04, 2007 11:18 am

they said it will match my specs.

Core 2 duo. 1gb of ram (about to add another gb). 120gb hard drive. Wireless N
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Post Sun Nov 04, 2007 11:24 am

it adds high def screen, wifi catcher. Better ports (usb and charger) and plain out better design
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Post Sun Nov 04, 2007 11:48 am

Try finding a program that maxes out you laptop, like puts it on full load. Like something that will run like millions of applications at once, and try and make it overheat. That'd be fun. Nice way to get new versions of xbox 360's when they come out. Play Halo 3 12 hours strait. I think my friend had a dell, it was the black one with the curvey lid and stuff and those things were notorious for the top of the lid coming apart into 2 pieces. He had 2 of them do it in a row.
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Post Sun Nov 04, 2007 12:25 pm

idk what i might gonna talk to m parents about it. They like the idea a little too i think! :D
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Post Sun Nov 04, 2007 2:48 pm

before you accidently break your computer call dell and state that you broke it and if they accept and say they will send you a new one then you break it.


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Post Sun Nov 04, 2007 4:16 pm

read the warrenty clearly and make shure it says somthing like "if damages within (number) of days we will refund..."

just make shure u know what u r doin.
and if u want a accident the walls a ally


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Post Sun Nov 04, 2007 4:31 pm

i am going to read the warrant like 50 billion times before i do ANYTHING. The only thing i really care about is the fan on my laptop. If they will fix that then i dont care if i get another one or not. If i could choose between the 2 then no duh i would want the newer one but if not then im happy with new fans and junk like that.
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