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Bioshock vs Halo 3



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Super Brewer
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Post Sun Sep 30, 2007 12:21 am

Bioshock vs Halo 3

i just recently bought bioshock for my 360 and i got Halo 3. I thought Bioshock single player was the best of any game i have played in the past. But Halos campaign let me down. But what makes halo great is the multipler. But Bioshock graphic are beautifully made but halos are on the weak side. I donno so what do u think is a better game.

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Post Sun Sep 30, 2007 5:00 am

Eh, I like Halo 3 better. I don't really understand why any likes Bioshock at all, it's just one of those really popular games that doesn't interest me what so ever. Don't get me wrong, it's got killer graphics, butt that's about it the way I look at it. I watched my friend play the demo for a min and I just got bored that quick lol. Go halo 3....woohoo....
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Post Tue Oct 02, 2007 4:59 am

I've played both games recently. (Actually, I was playing Bioshock when Halo 3 came out.)

About the graphics: Let's just knock this off. Unless you're playing on an HDTV, like I am, even the graphics on a game like Gears of War will look a little shady. Now here's the thing, I played a couple of hours into Bioshock (and yes, I got extremely bored with it, returned it quickly) and most of the graphics were in closed spaces. With the exception of the opening scene, everything was pretty much indoors ... and it was dark. That's simple.

With Halo, the graphics represented are VASTLY more complex. Sure, you've got dimly-lit corridors, but you've also got MASSIVE open spaces in a jungle and whatnot (I've only been playing Halo for limited amounts of time for a couple days now, I'm close to the end of the second section of the campaign). Bottom line: It's WAY more complex.... so give Halo some credit. Head to head it may be slightly less attractive on your crappy projection TV's, but on my 32" HDTV, it's immaculate. It's the way the game was meant to be played. In the glory of 1080p.

In my opinion, it's the Halo storyline that keeps us hooked. You're a hero with a limitless arsenal... what could be better?
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Post Tue Oct 02, 2007 8:58 am

You know, as much as I think Halo 2 was a bad release to the series, I think you're right, crxshdxummy. Halo definitely deserves more credit than people are giving it, and I haven't even played Halo 3 yet. Just from reading things about the game, I can tell that Microsoft went as far as they could to bring the Halo fans what they wanted in Halo 3. From screenshots you can tell that attention to detail was a main concern for sure. The graphics are good, and I'm sure the gameplay accompanies it.

With Bioshock, again, I have yet to play it, but it seems like it deserves a good chance to rival, at least some aspects, of Halo 3. The graphics in several places seem better than Halo 3, and the game has a fan base for an obvious reason - it's a "good" game. I think both of the story lines in each game may be "off" a bit, but what can you expect from a game where you wield weapons and kill things?

crxshdxmmy said it best, "You're a hero with a limitless arsenal... what could be better?" -> not too much... and game sales reflect that statement.

D3ViLsAdvocate wrote:Try shaking the salt harder onto your tongue.

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