Post Fri Jul 11, 2008 8:28 am

Secret Agent Clank

i though i could bring this part back to life and write this years first review...

Secret Agent Clank
for PSP

Price: $39.99
Max Players: 1
ESRB Rating: E 10+


This game is about Ratchet getting Jailed for a crime he committed under 'mind control'. Now it is up to his buddy/robot/backpack friend, clank, to save him from spending a eternity at the galexys prison. This game taked you through "James Bond" style challenges, like sneak up to someone and kill them, jumping through lazers to avoid being caught by security and much more.

The rating for the graphics are pretty good, my overall rating is 8/10. The graphics could be better, but they are not horrible.

The game plays is pretty good, but sometimes you can expect what is going to happen. My rating is 9/10

The sound is pretty good in this game, sound just like the ps2. Rating:9/10

MY overall rating of this game is a 9/10. i reccomend this game to any "Ratched & Clank" fans out there. And for anyone else who wants a little intergalactic kick-ass.