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3.80-M33 is out!!!

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 9:46 am
by que13x
I am so happy I can't wait to load it up but I have to. My PSP (FAT) is not charged enough. I want to wait to try it on my slim just in case it bricks.
Shoutcast streaming audio here I come!

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 2:04 pm
by AdventWolf
Yea this is gonna be nice, I have a couple of people taht want me to set their psps on this. I wonder how high the firmware for psps will go.. maybe 5.00 or something? more?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 3:01 pm
by BKFraiders7
I bet they will have PSP super slim by then. Heck Xbox 180 might be out (halo 4 on a handheld on wifi would be AWESOME) and then that be the hackable thing.

I doubt 5.00 will not happen because we are already on the last MBs we have on our internal memory. Actually...i had this thought about when Slim came out. Even sony said the hardware is primarily the same...just 64mb instead of 32mb. Why cant we put the firmware to boot from our memory stick and think its a Slim. With a little hacking....i dont see why not.

its about time

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 3:21 pm
by tbag
iv been sitting for like a month. just waiting for this

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 3:32 pm
by AdventWolf
bkfraiders7 wrote:I bet they will have PSP super slim by then. Heck Xbox 180 might be out (halo 4 on a handheld on wifi would be AWESOME) and then that be the hackable thing.

I doubt 5.00 will not happen because we are already on the last MBs we have on our internal memory. Actually...i had this thought about when Slim came out. Even sony said the hardware is primarily the same...just 64mb instead of 32mb. Why cant we put the firmware to boot from our memory stick and think its a Slim. With a little hacking....i dont see why not.

Lol Halo 4 on handheld :P. It's an awesome idea, but definitely not quite the experience on a console. But it would be pretty sweet. I thought about booting the firmware or something from the memory stick too.. to be able to use more RAM memory, taht would be sweet!

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 3:38 pm
by que13x
bkfraiders7 wrote:I doubt 5.00 will not happen because we are already on the last MBs we have on our internal memory.

I think you are forgeting that in the code for 3.80 there are hints at a new PSP unit, perhaps the PSP phone which could have more memory and unfortunately more security measures.

I think Micro$oft should come out with a WiFi capable hand held. Something powerfull enough to play Halo2. I think that could possibly rival the $ony PSP.

The DS is not even a handheld player in my opinion.

I wish Nintendo would stop blaming the lack luster DS sales on piracy.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 6:29 pm
by D3ViLsAdvocate
Now if I upgrade from 3.52M33 to 3.80 will I still have 1.50 kernel?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:31 am
by que13x
No 1.5 kernel with 3.80-m33 even with the m33-2 update. At least Pops works though. I am going to do a network update when it comes out to see what that is like with M-33.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 2:36 am
by DarkPacMan77
Where's BOOSTER when you need to emulate a good ol' firmware or two? - oh yea, he quit.


PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 7:57 am
by BKFraiders7
whoa whoa whoa....I updated and ran a 1.50 program and no probelms. I was running 3.71 M33 before tho with V2 1.50.

So i guess you will ust have to try it DA. I like the network update running from DAX instead tho.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 9:28 am
by brentbizzle
I almost didn't update yet, but wanted to try the network update feature so went ahead and upgraded.

Peeked into the flash0 and the folders are different... so looks like we need new xmb themes.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 10:36 am
by que13x
bkfraiders7 wrote:whoa whoa whoa....I updated and ran a 1.50 program and no probelms. I was running 3.71 M33 before tho with V2 1.50.

So i guess you will ust have to try it DA. I like the network update running from DAX instead tho.

Well if yours works mine should work. I did not look into it further because on the PSPbrew homepage it states that there is no 1.50 kernel and my results verified that so I thought nothing of it. I think I was running 3.71 m33-3 on my fatty.

I do not understand why it works for some and not others

I will just wait patiently for the next update and do something about it then. I suspect there will be a new Despertar Del Cementerio and hopefully that will include m33-3 if there is such a need.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 10:59 am
by BKFraiders7
The great thing about 3.80 M33 is the new update feature. When they release version 3 and soon 3.90 M33 it will alow us to upgrade through the network update instead of needing our computers.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:37 pm
by D3ViLsAdvocate
Don't matter now a 1.50 addon for 3.8 is out.


PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:57 pm
by tbag
it sure is im on 3.80m33-2 now