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i need help to ruin someones life

PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 5:51 pm
by D3vk1t
I need help ruining someones life.
Here's why :
every day i goto school and he spreads rumers and curses to me. he pushes me whenever i walk down the hall and so fourth
i can't do anything like fight him because he's way out my handling
nor can i make fun of him because if he found out i was spreading rumers he would come after me.
i can't tell an adult figure or else i would have a rep for being a snitch.

So far ive been sending him porn spam under his name and e-mail but i need more harmful things
i've tried sending a virus on his pc but all the e-mailing services check e-mail attachments before you send anything
any suggestions!!

PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 5:56 pm
by BKFraiders7
Brick his PSP. And tell him Pandora doesnt work.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 6:02 pm
by .Yunoko
Well talk to an adult even if you get called a snitch or w/e its better then getting beat up, or you can talk to him and settle it between your selfs. But there must be a reason why he is doing this to you did you do something to him etc so just talk to him. Still doesn't work just don't talk, listen, or w/e to him.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 6:08 pm
by kellytna123
That happen to me. Just Punch him square in the nose. To show him your not just a push over. you might get SAC or suspended but i bet he will stop.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 6:10 pm
by D3ViLsAdvocate
That sucks. Don't let that homosexual, or a pile a sticks, ruin your life. Just tell him he won't see me in the streets.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 6:52 pm
by D3vk1t
Here's the problem with all your responses
bkfraiders7-He dosen't own a psp and even he did he would kill me

.Yunoko- This may work in elementry and middle school but in h.s when they say they will beat you up if you snitch they most likely will.

kellytna123- Punching him is just asking for it, i would have to kill him for him not to take revenge which is illegal.

Next suggestion.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 6:55 pm
by D3ViLsAdvocate
Vandalize his house, or you can steal his bike. Slash the tires on the vehicle at his house.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 7:43 pm
by .Yunoko
True. Well I'm the one always doing this to people at my H.S. lol.

Anyways just fight him and see what happens. Could become a good stress reliever lol. Anyways you will just have to find out the solution your self because there is no way we can help because we could just make it worst.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 7:44 pm
by AdventWolf
I don't know what to say, this one guy would f**k with me last year, and would piss me off so much, I just was fed up and kicked and punched combo his arse. We're friends I guess now.. but yea he doesn't mess with me anymore. I don't know, if someone would mess with me anymore now I'd just fight em, but I am pretty small, but I can take em. I guess what you could do is...

somehow give him some chocolate laxitive brownies or put something in his food to make him sick or throw up at the table. So is this guy popular or something? just an a**?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 8:04 pm
by ace
If you know any forums he posts at or something, somehow find out his IP address or MAC address, and then stick something on his computer that way instead of through email. Idk, never had to do it, but like hack his myspace and post everywhere. Or something. Or figure out a way to change the homepage on his web browser to meatspin and hope his parents get on his computer or something. That would be funny. Idk, i'd figure out something to do to embarrass him. Photoshop a picture of him and post it around the skool or something.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 8:21 pm
by ace
He already said he would get his butt kicked if he did anything like that. That's why I suggested that. If he physically beat him up or w/e, the homosexual, or a pile a sticks, would just come back for revenge or something

PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 9:23 pm
by Puncharger
AdventWolf wrote:I don't know what to say, this one guy would f**k with me last year, and would piss me off so much, I just was fed up and kicked and punched combo his arse. We're friends I guess now.. but yea he doesn't mess with me anymore. I don't know, if someone would mess with me anymore now I'd just fight em, but I am pretty small, but I can take em. I guess what you could do is...

somehow give him some chocolate laxitive brownies or put something in his food to make him sick or throw up at the table. So is this guy popular or something? just an a**?

who? O.o?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 10:07 pm
by Slick
If he still starts to become physical with you, then simply become one with rage and do this.


PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 11:00 pm
by kellytna123
What you need to do is go dragonball z on his donkey.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 6:59 am
by D3ViLsAdvocate
Maybe SSJ4?