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PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 11:44 pm
by DarkPacMan77
I'm not a big fan of the "applecor" spinoffs, or applecor itself to be honest.


PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 11:29 pm
by Reigo80
Here's mine at the moment..Image

PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 2:39 pm
by Slick
^^I like the skin on that one, but the way controls and how the xmbs are set up, not that really great.
To me at least.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 6:42 pm
by Reigo80
I like it. It looks reaqlly good on the PSP. What's your XMB theme at the moment Devils?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 4:44 pm
by h4s30
there's an xmb theme i'd love to make i wish i had the time though
anyone play the .hack//G.U games?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 6:06 pm
by Reigo80
I've played .hack//infection and seen Mutation, Quarintine and Outbreak but haven't pplayed the GU games.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 5:05 pm
by h4s30
oh well i don't remember how the os looked in that one but the GU is awesome at least it'd be a good idea to make for the psp

PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 3:46 am
by DarkPacMan77
Sweet customization Reigo80!! I really like it, but I'm not quite a fan of the background. Is that a 1-12.bmp file or is that a wallpaper that you've decided to use? Either way, I would appreciate it if you uploaded that for me or threw a link my way so that I could try editing that a bit, if that's not too much to ask.

Also, what firmware are you using for that?


PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 6:05 am
by staxx
Here you go pacman...\

It's called the Organ theme...Reigo just has his own wallpaper on it.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 9:03 am
by DarkPacMan77
Thanks a ton, but I'm not going to register there just for the download... so if someone wants to upload it elsewhere for me, that would be great. 3.52 btw


PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 1:54 pm
by gman
i like riping other thems and make my own that how i got this one

PostPosted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 1:20 pm
by brentbizzle
This is on my Deep Red PSP. Just using a PTF theme with an altered vshmain.prx to delete unneeded icons and to show the one-seg icon AND skype (one-seg only shows on jpn region, and skype doesn't show on jpn!)


PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 8:23 pm
by Reigo80
DPM, it's just a background. The 1-12.bmp kept screwing over. Glad you like it!