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ADePSP's PSP installer V2

PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 3:26 pm
by tbag
PSP installer V2 allows you to pack the desired homebrew in to an easy install program that will unpack directly on to your memory stick to the pre predetermined folder. now this program is very simple to use so just follow the steps im going to give you and it will work fine.

step 1. first you will need the PSP installer V2
step 2. unzip the download in to your computer.
step 3. now that you have the program up and running we can move to actually making your auto installer :)
step 4. inside the folder for PSP installer V2 you will see a folder called "ms_root" that is where you will be putting the homebrew files, but you will want to add a "psp" folder and than a "GAME" or "GAME150" inside that one. you should have something like this.
step 5. (for this tutorial im just gonna pretend the homebrew is named "x-ray") place the "x-ray" and "x-ray%" folders in the "Game" or "GAME150" folder. it should look like this.
step 6. select the background image you can make one yourself if you want but it has to be a .jpg and 480x272, but you not have to make one.
step 7. if you have a read me file select that (it will appear each time after the auto-installer is run)
step 8. select the "ms_root" folder
step 9. click compile to make your auto-installer and name it.
step 10. your done you have now made an auto-install for a homebrew it should look like this when run.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 6:58 pm
by DarkPacMan77
Clean this up/ reupload your pictures on a different site (I use and I will sticky this.

Simple, but good work. I just might make one myself.... seems I am always losing where my emulators are so it would be handy to have one at home for this. The packgens on this site work nicely as well.



PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 11:24 am
by tbag
thanks pacman i cleaned it up. let me know if there is still an image issue

PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 5:09 pm
by Mailas
Good job, how did you find out about this installer? Ive been looking everywhere for one!
Mostly I would just get the files and compile them into an exe manually. Good job once again.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 10:41 pm
by DarkPacMan77
I'm liking what I see. Thanks for making some changes. Here is your sticky ;)
