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2.00 Game Loader for 1.50 full version how to,



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Young Brewer

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Post Wed Mar 15, 2006 8:20 am

2.00 Game Loader for 1.50 full version how to,

how to use it, or tutorial or whatever...ill do my best, hope it´ll be usefull

1-. Copy your UMD Emulator 0.8c to you memstick in X:\PSP\GAME as usual (where X is the root of your memstick).

2-. Copy the MPH 2.00 Game Loader for 1.50(MPHGAMELOADER and MPHGAMELOADER%) in the same folder X:\PSP\GAME.

3-. Copy the MphGameLoader folder in the root of your memstick x:\, it contents two folders flash0 & flash1, and data0.bin, data1.bin, install.inf and mphloader.prx files.

4-. Copy your GTA or another 2.00 iso to the usual folder. X:\ISO

NOTE: for the UMD Emulator u need the UMDEMULATOR(contents core.bin, menu.bmp and config.dat) & ISO(Where you put your isos) folders in the root of your memstick, so at this moment you now have the next folders in your psp memstick

+--- GAME/
| |
| | |
| | +--- EBOOT.PBP
| |
| | |
| | +--- EBOOT.PBP
| |
| | |
| | +--- EBOOT.PBP
| |
| |
| +--- EBOOT.PBP
| |
| +--- EBOOT.BAK <--i think this is created by the system
| |
| +--- < place ISOs here >
| |
| +--- core.bin
| +--- menu.bmp
| +--- config.dat <-- if this doesnt exist, it will be created by the app
| |
| /
| /
| |
| +--- UPDATEICON <-- optional, create for updater icon replacement
| |
| +--- EBOOT.BIN <-- started when updater icon selected (0146 error currently)
| +--- PARAM.SFO <-- updater param.sfo
F0/ <- optional, flash0: replacement drawer
F1/ <- optional, flash1: replacement drawer
| |
| +--- data0.bin
| +--- data1.bin
| +--- install.inf
| +--- mphloader.prx
| |
| +--- flash0/
| | |
| | +--- lots of folders
| |
| +--- flash1/
| | |
| | +--- 4 folders

Now the next part-

5-. Start the UMD Loader 0.8c as usual, then config the next parameters:
-ISO Emulation mode : system menu
-Disk type ISO : game
-Disk type UMD : game (or another that you have in ur UMD unit)
-Use boot.bin : on
-Region code override : off (you can choose here and try if it works fine)
-flash0 emulation : on
-flash1 emulation : on the image and press X, it ends the umd emulator and go back to the system menu X on memory stick, and starts the mph 2.00 Game Loader for 1.50.
appears a black screen that says Loading game...
Sometimes it doesnt work and the psp freezes at the psp white screen....dont worry, just turn off your psp and try again from step 5. but now you dont have to configure the umd loader because you did it before :wink:

HOPE this was usefull :)


Brew Guru
Brew Guru

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Post Wed Mar 15, 2006 9:05 am

This is pretty useful stuff, thanks!

-Let's make this one a sticky. :)


Brewery Master
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Post Wed Mar 15, 2006 9:25 am

Nice tutorial good for the people who arent sure about this and pretty clear cut too.

XTag: |Br3w|CLMT


Brewery Master
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Post Sun Apr 23, 2006 11:35 pm

Great tute! Only thing it needs is a good link to download the MphGameLoader.
Stylin' with a "Phat" PSP CFW: 5.00 M33-6 w/Kernel 150 add-on 5.00


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Mega Brewer
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Post Sun Apr 23, 2006 11:45 pm

nice its nice and easy to follow would be easy if i had 1.5 but for now im still playing the waiting game...


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Brewology Moderator
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Post Mon Apr 24, 2006 9:19 am

nice job man


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Post Sun Apr 30, 2006 11:43 am

but what if it stops at the black "loadin game" screen??
It does that to me everytime.


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Brewery Master
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Post Sun Apr 30, 2006 1:33 pm

make sure you have the flash files, and make sure the iso has the right prx's.


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Brew Guru
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Post Sun Apr 30, 2006 1:45 pm

=D> yea Vitin!!! very nice tutorial with a very vivid diagram! =D> good job =D>


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Brewery Master
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Post Sun Apr 30, 2006 1:49 pm

now we just need one for daxloader.


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Post Tue May 02, 2006 1:27 am

I think I have all the right files.I have followed this tut all the way...
But I still can't get GTA to work..
Could some one send me the complete MPHGameloader?


Post Tue May 02, 2006 7:18 am

doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo, you know, maybe I wont send it!


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Young Brewer

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Post Wed May 10, 2006 3:53 am

ummm im trying with daxloader, but i cant do it work, so ill keep trying :lol: , i think i need runUMD but i cant find it....

Some answers:
Freezes on the black loading screen --> Never had happened to me :cry, you better try with the 1.1 version of the loader, it works fine with gta and more games and fix the problem of the text on the save game screen.

Thanks to all for this support :wink: if i find some time to do more tutos ill do it, now im have my father at hospital...but it goes well...i hope come back soon.


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Young Brewer

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Post Wed May 10, 2006 3:55 am

ops sorry i forgot the link to mph game loader 1.1.0


Post Wed May 10, 2006 7:07 am

Thanks man. Hey you havn't been posting for a while. Nice to see you back. Its been like 2 months.
Well thanks still.

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