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Status Bar for Game View



Post Mon Jun 12, 2006 7:06 pm

Status Bar for Game View

I need someone to make this status bar a lot better for my game view:
Heres what I wanted done in that:

* I want a VERY nice background in the boxes
* I want the middle box (where most of the text is) left blank since that is where the game will be viewed
* I want it 200 in height and 200 in width just like how it is
* I want the box borders to have very good tech borders
* I dont want any text showing, I just put that text in there to let you know what each box is
* I want basically not one peice of that image showing, I want it fullly edited
* I want everything filled in except the part in the middle where the game is going to be showed

Well thats about it.
I need it done by today (mostly) or possibly tommorrow. I really need it mainly done by tommorrow.
This is going to be in a Legend of Zelda RPG Top Down type of game in the view.
I will only choose the best one that is made. If I choose yours, your name will be in the credits of the game.
I have some people working on this game along with me so I except some good work (not to be pushy but they really know what their doing)
If its too hard then dont work too hard on it. Just do what you can do.


Post Tue Jun 13, 2006 5:17 pm

Since no one decided to make one for today or yesterday, I decided to make one myself, tell me what you think:


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Post Tue Jun 13, 2006 6:35 pm

looks awsome, better than what couldve done, word
If you want free DUN or any other hacks or questions about and for your cell phone especially the lg8700(thats what i got) from verizon checkout i am there by the same name!

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