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Hey guys! :D I havn't logged in BUT!

PostPosted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 4:33 pm
by Atari2600
Yea life is total **** ok? I lost everything I own to some issues here,
Im trying to make my way back.
Being treated like im a child yet im turning 18?
Uh huh yea well. ( long story made short)
lost my laptop PC, All 38 game systems,
All 673 games,
:/ Pfft ya, anyways.

After 2 weeks, and Doing an extremly immature thing which could have killed me ( i didn't eat for an entire week)
I got some things back,
I now own a gamecube! :)
Slowly everyday i seem to aquire my things back ( god im so sick of it)

I've missed seeing everyone here, there was a few people im not mentioning names :P But
If you remember me I remember you!
So post HELLO XD

Yes ! this is going off topic so BACK TO TOPIC

I've got a thing goin at school where I am modding PSPs from w/e firmware to custom
Currently its outdated ( LIke big time)
So I need an update, I NEED SOMETHING STABLE!
Some of these people dont know anything and I don't need a million complaints ruining my reputation for my technological knowledge.
lol. I've been doing this to peoples psps for $10 a piece
:D it was a joke at first and then it sort of went serious.
:P I've made $100, an Xbox 360 and NOW im saving for a PS3

IM buying a dreamcast this upcoming week for $20 :) WOOT !
And my gamecube i got for $5!
Yea i said $5 it was from a family member who didn't respect it period.

This is a story in itself ( there will be another thread)
Anyways So the gamecube is cleanedup, and ready to... What else with my boredom of having only that for so long. MOD IT :D
I have on order LED lights and a network adaptor, Im going to put linux to it, and a few emulators, SO i can load it to school when the casing is done and show it off. ^^
There will be LEDs in the FAN, Controller ports,
and im changing the light ontop of it to Either Blue or Pink

My psps news:

Its still living... Its been passed around, and abused substantionally...
it saddens me, my WIFI does NOT WORK
nor does IR. Oh did i mention the UMD is taped on?

lesson learned: DO NOT trust others with psp.
:cry: :cry: if i can fix the WIFI and IR i will continue with the purchase of GOLD casing,
With a silicone jacket, for proteciton :D

This post is getting long!!!!!! :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:

So yes, Thats my life

I need to find a good custom firmware thats newer but STABLE!
I have a pandora incase so no worries, ^^

PostPosted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 4:39 pm
by BKFraiders7
A really good stable firmware is 3.52-4. This is very good. Tell them you will do that for $10 and then show them all these themes you can put on there for i dont know say $3. So you just made $13 in 30 minutes.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 4:44 pm
by Atari2600
would you have a link to the update?
Which Firmware Files do I need?
when i installed 3.03 YES I SAID THAT!
its still on 3.03!

i neede the 1.5 and 3.0 eboot so
What do i need for 3.52-4

it is custom too right?
I've been out for a while i need to get back up in date

PostPosted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 4:47 pm
by newpspdude
lol yeah that would be good and u got a xbox 360!!! damn just for modding. well yeah i have a buisness too on ebay though selling psp's woth custom firmware. 3.52 m33-4 is the most stable and i think it is the best and bkfraiders7 idea is good also .

welcome back

PostPosted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 4:50 pm
by Atari2600
im going to try to get on as much as possible,
but its no real gauruntee, seeing as i dont myself own a computer
I just read emails people send me at school


Re: Hey guys! :D I havn't logged in BUT!

PostPosted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 4:56 pm
by Puncharger
Atari2600 wrote:Yea life is total **** ok? I lost everything I own to some issues here,
Im trying to make my way back.
Being treated like im a child yet im turning 18?
Uh huh yea well. ( long story made short)
lost my laptop PC, All 38 game systems,
All 673 games,
:/ Pfft ya, anyways.

After 2 weeks, and Doing an extremly immature thing which could have killed me ( i didn't eat for an entire week)
I got some things back,
I now own a gamecube! :)
Slowly everyday i seem to aquire my things back ( god im so sick of it)

I've missed seeing everyone here, there was a few people im not mentioning names :P But
If you remember me I remember you!
So post HELLO XD

Yes ! this is going off topic so BACK TO TOPIC

I've got a thing goin at school where I am modding PSPs from w/e firmware to custom
Currently its outdated ( LIke big time)
So I need an update, I NEED SOMETHING STABLE!
Some of these people dont know anything and I don't need a million complaints ruining my reputation for my technological knowledge.
lol. I've been doing this to peoples psps for $10 a piece
:D it was a joke at first and then it sort of went serious.
:P I've made $100, an Xbox 360 and NOW im saving for a PS3

IM buying a dreamcast this upcoming week for $20 :) WOOT !
And my gamecube i got for $5!
Yea i said $5 it was from a family member who didn't respect it period.

This is a story in itself ( there will be another thread)
Anyways So the gamecube is cleanedup, and ready to... What else with my boredom of having only that for so long. MOD IT :D
I have on order LED lights and a network adaptor, Im going to put linux to it, and a few emulators, SO i can load it to school when the casing is done and show it off. ^^
There will be LEDs in the FAN, Controller ports,
and im changing the light ontop of it to Either Blue or Pink

My psps news:

Its still living... Its been passed around, and abused substantionally...
it saddens me, my WIFI does NOT WORK
nor does IR. Oh did i mention the UMD is taped on?

lesson learned: DO NOT trust others with psp.
:cry: :cry: if i can fix the WIFI and IR i will continue with the purchase of GOLD casing,
With a silicone jacket, for proteciton :D

This post is getting long!!!!!! :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:

So yes, Thats my life

I need to find a good custom firmware thats newer but STABLE!
I have a pandora incase so no worries, ^^



PostPosted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 5:29 pm
by BKFraiders7
i cant give u DIRECT links but the best place to look is Look in the downloads section and then find the files needed.

First get the 3.52 M33 file and put it on your memory stick. Then grab the 3.52 OFFICIAL update and rename it 352. Then get the 1.50 official one and rename it 150. Put both of those in the 3.52M33 folder. Do the upgrade....then go get the 3.52-4 and run that update.

Leave those files on a stick and just use that one stick to do the 3.52-4 update on all your client's psp. Putting certain themes on it is another story.


p.s. ALSO! if they ave 1.50 already and just want a CFW then you will have to run the patcher. Its the files that start wiht a K. Put both of them into the GAME folder and run it. There you go, no more need for a patch.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:46 pm
by Atari2600
its the same everytime you know :P
get the 1.5 eboot
and the new update.

I gotta dig up the files seeing as i can't download anymore or my father get mad lol. I think they are in my documents!

but there is like 324712389047 subfolders
Joy! search time

I might upgrade to that im debating on the 3.4 due to some XMB themes i saw,
it says works on 3.4
im curious if it work on 3.4 and higher.
I need FULL UMD USE because im upgrading other peoples PSPs to this.
also if its to glitchy i get a bad rep :( that makes me sad lol.

Thanks for your help!

I wonder if theres any real classic gamers like me out there still ( MY AGE ! NOT like 30! lol)

PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 4:31 pm
by BKFraiders7
3.52M33-4 is the most stable like i said and also is the best with NO UMD mode for homebrew.