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should i buy an ipod touch or ipod nano?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 5:33 pm
by Danopoly
which should i get?!?!?!?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 5:37 pm
by .Yunoko
Like I Said On MSN Get A Touch You Have The Money, So Why Don't Spend A Little More.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 5:46 pm
by Danopoly
but then again, i really dont need the big screen (battery drainer) and i think the UI on the nano looks more classier and more artistic. But then again, i like the cover flow on the ipod touch a little bit more cause the background is black as oppose to white, and i heard its smoother. But then again, i like how the nano is smaller than the touch, easier for one hand navigation. But then again, the ipod touch has built in wifi for websurfing and the big screen makes it easy, but then again, the ipod nano is cheaper, but then again the ipod touch has a bigger screen which i could use as my digital art portfolio, but then again, the nano has a higher resolution screen with 240dpi, but then again the touch offers a higher capacity HDD, but then again the nano has longer battery life. And once again im stuck....what should i get?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 5:53 pm
by .Yunoko
I'm Confused Lol. Just Get Want You Want/Have The Money For.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 6:11 pm
by DarkPacMan77
What costs more isn't always what is best. Personally, I would never buy ANY ipod because they are all too much money. Even though I have the cash, I wouldn't do it. But, the ONE that looks MOST appealing is the 160gb Ipod classic or w/e. That seems like the most bang for buck. The battery lasts longer and you get enough space to last you for the next 15 years.


PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 6:45 pm
by newpspdude
lol thats a lil too much space!!!i dont think ill ever have that much gigs worth of music..i would get the touch since i would want to show off and it looks way cooler

PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 7:45 pm
by DarkPacMan77
Well having the space to have movies would be nice. Also, with a supposed 7 hour battery span (I think it is), you could watch 2 or 3, maybe even 4 full movies before the battery is exhausted. I mean, if you remember back, the original ipods seemed to all have screen problems, so I don't understand why ANYBODY would trust a TOUCH screen. That fails, and the whole thing is junk unless you send it in for repairs at the expense of some $200. Or possibly... POSSIBLY you are one of those people that buys extended warranty plans, and MAYBE you only had to fork over half an arm for the plan, so you'd only settle with losing all of your music and going through the tedious hassle of replacing the unit.


PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 8:36 pm
by .Vault
are you stupid? why would u ask this question... OF COURSE YOU SHOULD GET A TOUCH!!!!!!!!

the new nano blows man... im totally against it

PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 6:07 am
by ace
Well I'm pretty sure we all know vault's stance on the subject....
I'd get the touch for the fact that it has websurfing, but that's if I had to get one or the other. I would be way more interested in websurfing then just playing music/video on those new nano's. Personally, I liked the way the old nano's looked. Now they just look like short little chubby ipods with a body looking like that of a zune in a way (The whole spongy black looking material that looks sorta see through). I'd get a touch ;)

PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 12:00 pm
by DarkPacMan77
I don't know... google search "Apple customer satisfaction" and tell me you guys feel even somewhat confident with the purchase of an Apple Ipod. Apple gives a manufacturers warranty, but they tell people to goto third-party locations for repairs. They don't even honor their own warranty, so unless you get an extended warranty from Best Buy or w/e store you purchase the unit at, I wouldn't even consider buying one. And with the level of drop off that the other models of Ipod's have, I wouldn't purchase an ipod touch for the life of me - same with an Iphone. Touch screen goes out, and Apple will just tell you where to get a replacement - chances are they won't fix it for you at only shipping/ handling expenses.

Get an extended warranty from the store, or don't get an Ipod, and seriously think about whether web browsing and touch screen is worth the amount of money you drop for it. Flashy features don't mean that they're worth it.


PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 12:34 pm
by Danopoly
up to date, ive own/owned 5 ipods a macbook and a mac mini, non of which broke down on me except for my macbook with had a battery issue and a faulty DVD drive, which i took to my local apple reseller store and they fixed it for me for free within 5 days. Thats about it. But yea, flashy features does not mean i should dump a whole load of money on it. All i want is something with cover flow on it, and i actually do want web surfing, but im not crazy for it though, i dont mind having it as an extra feature incase one day im stuck somewhere bored to tears.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 2:17 pm
by ace
Well I mean I wouldn't buy none of them. But like I said, if I had to get one, I would get the touch because of the "flashy features". The way I look at it, the touch is just like the nano, cept it has more features. I mean the size of the hd in a nano could be considered a "flashy feature". I like spending time hanging out the US National white water rapids place they just built a while ago right beside my house, while sitting at the resturant there and browsin tha web. That and whenever I go to hotels and such, specially since I don't have a laptop. I would just get the touch because it has more features then the nano ;) Sorta like a swiss army knife or something, I would get whichever one had the most features, so I could have everything in one little device.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 5:19 pm
by Figz
What is the hard drive size on the touch? I am actually thinking about buying one now that there has been so much talk about them.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 5:25 pm
by .Yunoko
The touch doesn't have a harddrive it has flash memory I think. So yea.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 7:10 pm
by SEGA Game Gear
if i were you, i'd wait a few months. i have a feeling that someone is going to hack some really nice features onto the iPod touch. It really is just a compact version of OS X. atm, i wouldn't buy an ipod touch, but i would wait and see if the ipod touch has more features.