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What factors influence the choice of coffee?

PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2023 10:52 am
by eneidda
The coffee market is huge. How to choose high-quality coffee among the variety of offers?

Re: What factors influence the choice of coffee?

PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2023 12:56 pm
by moroteron
When purchasing coffee beans wholesale or retail, it should be understood that a good drink cannot be cheap. At the same time, the grains themselves can also give us some information. However, there are also many conventions or even myths. It is believed that the larger the grains, the brighter and richer the aroma and taste they convey. Accordingly, their selling price is higher. However, this only applies to one specific variety of Arabica. If we take two different varieties, to say that the larger one is better is certainly not objective.

Re: What factors influence the choice of coffee?

PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2023 1:01 pm
by ofrad
Often, true gourmets know how to choose quality coffee beans, and purchase several pure different varieties for self-mixing. If you choose a ready-made blend, then you should give preference to options where at least five separately roasted Robusta and Arabica beans are mixed in total. Which coffee bean is better to choose, a description of its features will tell, depending on the place of growth. For example, coffee from Colombia has a pleasant sourness and an unusual velvety aftertaste