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Hard Drive Parition Help

PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 3:55 pm
by .Yunoko
Hard Drive Parition, Kay so I just got a new laptop, but about 10GB of the hard drive is paritioned for the windows backup, well If I copied that partition fully to a DVD,

Question 1: Would the DVD still work has my computers backup? (even though I have restore disks and soon to be an image etc)

Question 2: Is it safe to delete a paritioned drive, I know how to I just want to know if it is okay to do.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 5:12 pm
by ace
#1; If you made an exact image of the drive then I don't see why not. You also have that restore disk anyways.

#2; Yes, only if you delete partitions that don't contain windows OS files. Deleteing that backup partition should be fine. It would help to know what kind of software is on the partition but it shouldn't be a problem.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 5:35 pm
by .Yunoko
Thats, the back up is just an image of the hard drive.

Also yea its not the best laptop its really just for school right now but its a Inpirson 1525, and the fan is crazly loud, no fan software works for it, and the fan just kicks on every like five to eight minutes, and was wondering would a cooling pad help?

If it would could you give me a link to a good cheap priced, one which is USB powered.