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Frontpage Forums Tutorial

PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 6:27 am
by Jar3tt
Can anyone link me a tutorial on how to make forums on frontpage 2003?

or make one :D


PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 3:29 pm
by Jay-Jay
How to make? Most forums are like software. You simply upload the files (install) it to your server, run the install.php file and then all your pages are already created. The only thing you can do is custom the template to the color and theme you like, but most themes are already created for you and you simply need to just run their install to get your site looking the way you want. Go to and get your free forum and also go to for cool features and theme templates. Good luck.

If you still find this difficult to do on your own, you can hire a forum installer click here for more info about them . Most new forum owners rather hire a professional to install their sites.

FrontPage can be useful at a later time, if you wish to use that program to do minor editing of your forum.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 4:53 pm
by .Yunoko
Just go sign up for Zetaboards, or get your self a host and get phpbb or invisionfree 1.3 (its illegal to use, but cough cough if you modify it your self and a lot, then its still illegal but a less chance they will find out)