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Legal Marijuana?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 8:59 am
by DarkPacMan77
Basically, for any of you occasional, habitual, recreational or leisurely marijuana smokers out there, or any combination of those words which best describes your smoking schedule, if you smoke... there's now legislation being put forth in congress that is centrally targeting this issue.

Millions of Americans smoke marijuana responsibly. Just the same, millions of Americans drink alcohol responsibly. That is the basis of this new idea. Representative Barney Frank said, "We do not arrest and jail responsible alcohol drinkers".

Ron Paul, R-Texas, and former presidential candidate, was the one who co-sponsored this bill!

Under this new law, which has yet to be put through the trials of congress and subcommittees, if someone has 100grams or less of marijuana on them at one time, that there is nothing wrong with it. That's nearly a quarter-pound!



PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 9:09 am
by Skelator03

EDIT: where is that article cant find it anywhere

PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 9:16 am
by BKFraiders7
I hope it isnt passed....

PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 9:20 am
by crait
Marijuana is bad. Alcohol is bad.
Ron Paul is Amazing!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 9:22 am
by AdventWolf
As long as people aren't allowed to be Publically intoxicated or w/e. I wouldn't want me or my kids to see someone like that on the street. I have seen some messed up people.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 9:27 am
by Skelator03
how many people has marijuana killed in the past 10 years ..............................1 .......................alchohol................thousands remmeber that... if they figure a way to tax it i could see it ... marlboro already has a box designed for it. Y not legalize almost 30 % of our jailed community are in there on BS misdemeanor pot charges thats close to 100,000 people

PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 9:41 am
by .Yunoko
It should not be passed.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 9:54 am
by Jar3tt
Im for this! I agree with advent though, The use of marijuana should be on your own time, in your own home.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 9:57 am
by Skelator03
you live in canada how can you say that lol its not legal but decriminalized............ i dont think it is real ii cant find the article

PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 10:19 am
by DarkPacMan77
Before agreeing or disagreeing with this proposal, I think it's important to look at what it would potentially solve or complicate.

This would free up police officers' time and resources. What this would mean, is that police would be better-equipped to handle the situations in which you've asked yourself, "where is a cop when I need one?" - kind of thing. This may also mean that you would be more likely to be busted while vandalizing property or speeding in a motor vehicle etc. - so if you enjoy these currently illegal activities, this may not be so good for you.

The commercial aspect to this issue is also potentially astounding. If this would somehow mean that it would be legal for companies to produce packaged marijuana cigarettes, and be taxable, this single act alone would help speed America through recession. This could also help diminish street crime and gang violence by vast margins (when dealing in marijuana - which is most common). If it's legal to deal, there's no dangerous drug-running/ dealing to be dealt with regarding marijuana. Violent crimes like rape and murder could very well be brought much lower. Over time, this will also help to improve the national problem regarding jails being over-crowded.

My personal views:

I'm not completely sure how I feel about this. I enjoy marijuana on my own time and at my own leisure. I need to know more information about this particular act before making a surefire opinion though. Based on the constitution alone, however, I feel that the government should not be able to intrude on people that enjoy smoking marijuana unless those very people create a problem in which the marijuana intrudes on other people. What I mean by that, is basically that we don't punish people that choose to have a few cocktails after work and watch the news, so why punish someone that choose to smoke a joint and do the same thing? I think that if this is passed, that it will create bad things right off the bat. I think things will get worse, but I think things will most definitely get better over time, just as alcohol did when it was legalized again.

I don't see any harm in most of the people that I know who like to smoke marijuana, even while driving, which may seem scary or w/e to many people, but it's just the truth. Smoking marijuana simply doesn't make you as inebriated as drinking alcohol, especially in excess. On top of that, I've hardly ever seen someone become violent from smoking marijuana.

I believe that drinking alcohol is hundreds of times worse than smoking marijuana, the question is, am I ready to have marijuana be commercialized? I'm not so sure yet. Sorry for the very long post.

@ SKELLY - Click on the CNN text at the bottom of my first post. It's actually a hyperlink to the article. It's just not that noticeable.


PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 10:35 am
by Skelator03
my bad didnt even notice it ;-) good looking out

PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 10:37 am
by crait
Well, yeah. How many times have you heard of someone drinking and driving and killing someone or themselves?
Now, if you legalize marijuana, that's gonna double because people are gonna smoke and drive and kill someone or themselves.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 10:55 am
by DarkPacMan77
If you don't support marijuana being legalized, at least to this extent, then you must also be against alcohol being legal. If not, that's completely hypocritical. I'm not saying you do or don't have those opinions as it is, but in either case, it clearly shows that government intrudes on the privacy of individuals.

Yes, accidents related to marijuana use will probably increase. They will, however, just as alcohol is currently, be punishable offenses under law. It's just that I think I had first smoked marijuana when I was... 13... or around there. Legalizing marijuana would make it much more accessible to minors. While I don't like the sound of that idea, I have to also keep in mind that cigarettes and alcohol, which are much more potentially devastating and harmful things to introduce into your body, are already very accessible to minors, yet are protected under law and commercialized for two reasons:

1.) privacy of the individual
2.) money

And I'm not saying that's the exact order of importance to our current government, but, at least to me, it seems very unfair when someone is pulled over or searched at an airport etc. and has a very small amount of marijuana that was clearly designated for personal use in their possession and prosecuted, even though they may be amazingly responsible smokers to begin with.

I personally haven't always been the most responsible person with marijuana. One time passing out and waking up outside to the comforting sounds of tornado sirens pretty much cures someone of being irresponsible. But just the same, one night of drinking too much and sleeping with someone even though that particular person would be socially damaging to have sexual intercourse with will pretty much cure you of ever abusing alcohol again as well...

but enough about me... it'll be interesting to see how this bill pans out.


PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 11:05 am
by Skelator03
if they cant tax it one way or another it wont go anyhwere though

PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 11:09 am
by BKFraiders7
They will get Doctors involved....and if they say no to it it wont be passed. This is stupid anyway. A drug that harms ur body being legal?- That,DPM,is hypocritical