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How many colors can you name in 5 minutes?



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Brew Guru
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Post Mon May 26, 2008 11:25 am

How many colors can you name in 5 minutes?

I was able to name 29.. out of 238.
Try here

And how many countries can you name in 5 minutes? I named 38, I know so many more than that! my mind went blank. I tried like 5 others, but I spelled them wrong.


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Post Mon May 26, 2008 7:25 pm

I know my stuff pretty well. I got 75. Some of the ones I put in it didn't accept, like Azerbaijan and stuff. Maybe my spelling was off, idk, don't think so.

Named so far:

Albania, Algeria, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Brunei, Burkina Faso, China, Djibouti, Dominica, Egypt, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Fiji, Finland, France, Gabon, Georgia, Ghana, Greece, Grenada, Guam, Guatemala, Guinea, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kosovo, Kuwait, Laos, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mali, North Korea, Oman, Panama, Philippines, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Serbia, Slovakia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Swaziland, Taiwan, Tanzania, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe,

EDIT - If I did my math right, that's like... 38% of the 270 countries. That's pretty damn good for 5 minutes. I impressed myself.

Last edited by DarkPacMan77 on Mon May 26, 2008 7:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
D3ViLsAdvocate wrote:Try shaking the salt harder onto your tongue.


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Post Mon May 26, 2008 7:28 pm

what about USA dpm?
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Brewology Moderator
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Post Mon May 26, 2008 7:32 pm

I tried to put it in and it wouldn't let me, so I skipped it. There were a few it just wouldn't accept, like Angola or Andorra. El Salvidor didn't work either. Idk, I probably got about 12 more that it just didn't allow me to put in.

Also, I was about to make a post in this thread saying that it didn't work at all, because it didn't before. I tried once and put in a whole ton and it just kept going left to right, but never accepted any of my countries, so maybe my browser was goofing it or something. I'm using the Firefox 3 BETA, so I guess that's a possibility.

EDIT - taking the ones it didn't accept into account, I probably got around 42-45% of the countries. For 5 minutes... I surely didn't think I could do that.

D3ViLsAdvocate wrote:Try shaking the salt harder onto your tongue.


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Post Tue May 27, 2008 11:00 am

hahaha i never read the first post so i was like "DPM the topic was name COLORS, not COUNTRIES"


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Brew Guru
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Post Tue May 27, 2008 1:56 pm

Ah lol :P.

Yea someI tried to put it weren't accepted, but I knew El Salvador, my Spanish teacher was from there. And USA is just United States.

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