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PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 2:08 pm
by que13x
Ron dropped out and many think he is an old coot!

Ron needs to get his name out there then maybe he can run in 2012.

PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 2:31 pm
by AdventWolf
Yea people think that, he supports the house of the ill-repute :P. (hoes)

Yea I do think Obama would probably give us a better rep since he is a great speaker, but I don't know his views are totally opposite of mine. Well he supports Israel but he is anti-war, we are suppose to be helping Israel by fighting the War, but so I'm guessing he is anti-Israel. Just a minor thought =/.

PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 3:37 pm
by farquezy
good isreal should be wiped of the face of this earth.
They took land that does not belong to them :)

well i dont honestly believe that but supporting isearl=all of the world hating us

i wish Ron would run as third party, but i still dont understand why people hate him

PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 4:51 pm
by AdventWolf
Yea people REALLY hate Israel, but all the records of land ownership is in the DAM Bible, but people refuse to believe it even though the Bible was written and recorded events some time ago which INCLUDED the DAM records of who owned what land. And Israel has even given some of it back for peace. But seriously don't just assume whoever tells you that is true, I know for a fact that its not true.

PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 6:44 pm
by farquezy
well yah in ancient times that land did belong to the Isrealies, but does that mean now they can come back and take it away from the original inhabitants and kill so many of them?

I mean i have nothing against them, i just find it wrong that they would do something like that to people and i think they should stop their occupation. I dont hate them, i just dislike they way they treat the people.

you have to understand, its like Native Americans coming and cramming all americans into the New England states while they keep all the rest of the U.S. just because the land belonged to them 400 years ago. Makes no sense right?

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 2:28 am
by que13x
Good point FarQ

I guess good thing for us that there are barely a hand full of Indians to try to do that right?

As far as Israel I think that they lost their biblical land rights fair and square and that it would have only been fair to award the holocaust survivors remnants of Nazi property since Nazis were the ones responsible for their internment. I suspect this did not happen because even after the Nazis demise there was still a movement to keep Germany racially "pure".

Flawed interpretations of scripture and false impressions of god's will have done much to harm man kind.

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 10:21 am
by ace
farquezy wrote: well yah in ancient times that land did belong to the Isrealies, but does that mean now they can come back and take it away from the original inhabitants and kill so many of them?

I just wanted to point out that, that confused me lol. If the land belonged to the Israeli's in ancient times wouldn't that make them the original inhabitants?
But yea for once I agree with you, I could understand if recently Israeli's had their land taken from them recently, but it is like the Indians taking America back, or at least the parts that they inhabited. I wouldn't want that to happen, especially since I didn't have a choice in the whole matter. If the Israeli's were pushed from their homeland I could understand them being pissed, so if there is new leaders now then it isn't their faults. But yea w/e, just my 2 cents. I don't really know anything else about the matter then what I have already said.

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 11:57 am
by farquezy
ace_012 wrote:
farquezy wrote: well yah in ancient times that land did belong to the Isrealies, but does that mean now they can come back and take it away from the original inhabitants and kill so many of them?

I just wanted to point out that, that confused me lol. If the land belonged to the Israeli's in ancient times wouldn't that make them the original inhabitants?
lol wow my bad
i meant current inhabitants :)

But all im saying is that Isreal has killed so many and taken the homes of millions of people, its just not right. Makes me sad to see people treat each other like this.

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 12:58 pm
by AdventWolf
Man you.. nevermind but still you have to think outside the box lol, you can't just take in whatever you hear. You think Israel is the victim? They are on constant alert for fear of being attacked. You never know if you are in Israel and someone could attack. People are brainwashed in the Middle East that all of Israel should be wiped off the face of the earth. There are cultural differences. At first when the people where finally able to go back to their homeland there were a few and it was ok, they lived side by side in Palestine. However the population grew and the Palestinians kinds felt a little indifferent. The crap countries around Israel are jealous because those countries have lived there and inhabited for centuries and Israel flourished in a decade. They just have a stern hatred and jealousy and are brainwashed to hate. And I already told you that Israel has given land back, and they want peace.

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 12:59 pm
by DracoDarco
I have a response to all those wo say Maybe hilary clinton.... her policy on the gas tax is retarded because it will force the oil companies to fire there employees which will then go on welfare and suck the life out of the rest of us....

And also i support McCain because he is the lesser of three evils.

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 1:02 pm
by AdventWolf
DracoDarco wrote:
And also i support McCain because he is the lesser of three evils.

Haha, what I said :P.

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 2:01 pm
by farquezy
Ah well advent i know they are in fear.
I understand that, i have nothing against Isreal except the fact that they kill so many innocent people.

I mean they are surrounded by so many countries that hate him.

"You think Israel is the victim?"-advent
no i think Palestian is the victim lol.

What im always told is that "Isreal is good and they are good people" so i am thinking outside the box by saying they aren't :)
some videos that show the inhuman things israel does

Lets not forget this which happens basically every week

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 2:58 pm
by que13x
Living up to your title eh FarQ?

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 3:11 pm
by erccccc
farquezy wrote:good isreal should be wiped of the face of this earth.
They took land that does not belong to them :)

well i dont honestly believe that but supporting isearl=all of the world hating us

i wish Ron would run as third party, but i still dont understand why people hate him

Actually The english gave jews isearl for helping in wwI or wwII or some crap like that, and then once the arabs starting fighting with the jews the english were just like screw you guys were leaving...... So technically the jews didnt take the land the english did it would be like if your friend gave you money which he stole from someone eles and then your friend wouldnt back you up.

Seriously half the problems in this world were caused by england and france... They divided up africa and then left them all screwed up... The grouped countrys in the middle east bassically dividing people how ever they pleased and they also promoted white supremessy, if the russians didnt lose to the japs there for proving that whites are not supperior people in africa would probley not have rebeled. The us might seem to have made a mess also but really we are just fixing the problems that the eeuropean countys caused... Iraq wouldnt even exist... veitnam probley wouldnt have happend if the russians never resorted to communism in the first place.... Im sure there is way more stuff that even I dont know but bassically all im saying is people need to learn the whole picture before the accuse people


But anyways to get on topic of the presidental thing I would have to say Macain is gunna win cause hes not a woman or black im not racist but i know people will not vote for him just cause of that also he is super liberal and is making america more socalist then it already is... I also may not like the war in Iraq but were therre now so we camt leave till we finsh what we started. people just need accept it and support the troops I dont think its right to say its wrong look at wwI and wwII prostesting the war and the country was made illegal durring those wars and guess what we won... Look at veitnam people hated that and the dissrepected the troops when they came home and look what happened there we lost. bassically people need to get over it we lost what 4000 people in 5 years the war made jobs for all those soliders that would other wise what 80% in poverty probley the same amount dead id say being in iraq is just as dangerous as the us over a 5 year span. Its not that bad of a war 4000 people die in car crashes in like 1 year probley I don't here people complaining about that... Everyone should have to support the cause now that it happend we have to make it right even if it means staying in iraq for 50 years like macain said.

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 3:29 pm
by farquezy
que13x wrote:Living up to your title eh FarQ?
yes sir
i mean look at those poor children, they are bloody and injured!
and thats is why i dislike Israel's policies and actions