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Legal Marijuana?



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Post Thu Jul 31, 2008 6:49 pm

I really do not understand people that think alcohol is ok and are totally against weed. If you ask me they are hypocrite conformist that can not make up their own minds to have their own opinion.

Instead of doing a poll on whether weed should be legal or not we should have a poll on how many violent crimes were committed by people drunk on alcohol compared to people that were stoned.

The ONLY reason Marijuana is illegal is because prejudiced lawmakers though it would bring an influx of Mexicans into the country. Well guess what? They are here and they ain't leaving.

44% of prisoners in the federal system are there for drugs. About half of them are there for trafficking Marijuana.

Our founding fathers all grew Marijuana and the plant has many purposes besides medicinal.

Perhaps some day we can change the laws and make it so that no one has to loose their freedom or be fined for a victimless "crime".
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Post Sat Aug 02, 2008 2:22 am

BKFraiders7 wrote:They will get Doctors involved....and if they say no to it it wont be passed. This is stupid anyway. A drug that harms ur body being legal?- That,DPM,is hypocritical

Taking away one's right to privacy?

-That, BKF, is unconstitutional.

That's what it pretty much comes down to. Marijuana-smoking isn't the most safe habit, but it's non addictive, already widely abused in nationwide drug trade, and legalizing it would allow responsible smokers the right to smoke personal amounts at their own leisure without big government stepping in. It would also drastically cut crime rates related to marijuana trafficking. The mafia and other forms of organized crime used to exist primarily for the sake of trafficking alcohol during prohibition. After the amendment was ratified that made the sale of alcohol legal, these types of organized crime were nearly completely abolished! And that's without wasting resources on jailing these people. If we could do the same thing for our more urban communities, especially the more poor African-American communities, it's gotta make you question whether this kind of legislation could really be one of the key components in revitalizing our slums and ridding our communities of dangerous marijuana drug trafficking.

Marijuana is also very less harmful to your body than cigarettes or alcohol. You can't "overdose" on cigarettes, but we all know about the terrible chemicals in cigarettes and the serious effects thereof are devastating. It's very easy to "overdose" on alcohol. In fact, many people do without even realizing what their body can handle and black out. Regarding marijuana, you'd have to smoke 15 pounds in under a minute (or around there) in order to overdose, and that simply isn't even humanly possible.

Also, if you've never smoked cigarettes, drank alcohol, or smoked marijuana before, I don't think that it's necessarily "fair" to say that it's wrong, but more importantly, I REALLY don't think that it's fair to tell other people who may enjoy any of those things that they are wrong. This is a very "Libertarian" bill. I don't think it will pass as it is unless it's revised, and I still don't think it will get through.

* free up 20% of our jails
* drop crime rate
* keep government out of your private life (many appreciate this especially after the Patriot Acts)

Now, I'm sorry this is such a long post, but if you bear with me, I'd like to make one more point. Marijuana/ cannabis is registered as a class 1 drug alongside some of the most dangerous drugs known to man - some of which can kill you the very first time you use them. As we know, however, marijuana is not nearly as dangerous at all, and the smoke-related effects are many times less damaging than those of cigarette smoke. People rarely even do things like vomit from marijuana smoking or get sick in general.

I mean, these are some of the "pros". I think these pros would really work. It makes me wonder how powerful legislation like this can be in terms of stopping the dangerous drug trafficking of marijuana. I think the serious questions are more long term, in which case, I still haven't made a decision on this bill because I haven't taken a critical look at the negatives of this legislation.

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Post Sat Aug 02, 2008 2:33 am

Well saying its illegal because "its dangerous" is total BS, seeing as Alcohol is NOT a natural substance, but man made,
and it is way more dangerous.


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Post Sat Aug 02, 2008 2:36 am

AdventWolf wrote:It would probably create more addicts maybe? Or maybe the idea of it being illegal makes people want it more. There are a lot of unsteady people out there that will most definitely abuse the drug. Not everyone - certainly not the minority of people will abuse it because they will probably use it as an anti-depressant which means they need it more and wouldn't want to let it go.
This can be said the same as both cigarettes and alcohol cuz it is definitely strange to why they are legal but Marijuana isn't. I guess it comes down to money and other matters that don't really mesh with the health problems.

See, marijuana isn't addictive. That's a very common misconception. It's not addictive at all and never has been. On top of that, like I said in my other post, it's impossible to "abuse" marijuana in terms of overdosing. You may say that smoking 3-5-12-20 joints a day or whatever is "abuse", but then you'd have to say that smoking a pack of cigarettes a day is abuse or that drinking a bottle of liquor a day are abuse. Now, I'd agree that these may be viewed as "abuse" to people that don't prefer to be caught up in these activities, and to those people, I say, "don't get caught up in these activities". But the Libertarian inside of me can't help but think that it's wrong for the government to decide what is right or wrong for people to do in their private time.

And if I hear any comments about, "well what if someone wants to murder someone in their private time? - is that legal?", I'll shoot you.

D3ViLsAdvocate wrote:Try shaking the salt harder onto your tongue.


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Post Sat Aug 02, 2008 4:44 am

DarkPacMan77 wrote:[You can't "overdose" on cigarettes

I agree 100% with everything you stated except the part about OD on cigarettes.

You can die from nicotine poisoning by taking in too much nicotine.

I knew a guy that wanted to quit and he smoked a carton in less than an hour. I asked him why he did it and he said he wanted to be sick of cigarettes so that he would not want to smoke them. He ended up getting sick from them instead of sick of them. 1 trip to the hospital and 3 days later he no longer desired cigarettes and could not stand their smell either.

Not to bring up Hollywood, but an example of this is shown in the movie "Thank You for Smoking"
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Post Sat Aug 02, 2008 7:26 am

I guess I overlooked nicotine poisoning. I've only heard very little about it.

Really though, I don't think that someone can be so overly negative against marijuana, cigarettes, or alcohol unless you've smoked cigarettes, marijuana, or drank alcohol for at least some portion of your life longer than a day - or really 3-4 weeks, to be honest. I'm not advocating that someone go out and do any of those, but I just think that those opinions are very biased if those people really don't know what the effects of cigs, pot, and alcohol.

I hear all the time after people go to the dentist that they got "put on the good stuff" and felt great and wonderful etc. Is that wrong? When you're in that condition, I wouldn't advise driving a motor vehicle, no, but at the same time, marijuana isn't as debilitating as any local anesthetic or gas offered from any dentist office. I know people who have smoked pot and then climbed cliffs, trees, landed amazing skateboarding tricks, climbed ropes... I mean, marijuana is not that terribly debilitating. Unless you smoke a large amount of marijuana, you won't feel the effects to the point where you feel you need to lie down and goto sleep or get to the point where you couldn't operate a car or even power tools or anything. Marijuana's debilitating effects are far less than alcohol. Marijuana is natural. THC, the active substance in marijuana that makes you feel "high", is an all natural substance that doesn't cause long term effects or damage. Breathing in the smoke is bad, yes, but breathing in ANY smoke is bad, even at a campfire.

I really don't feel like many of you people who are so against this concept even understand how their body reacts to marijuana over an extended period of time. You may have tried it, liked it, hated it, whatever. But beyond the depth of your own perception, there is an entire United States full of turf wars, violent crimes like murder, rape, and armed robbery. There's entire communities that deal in an import/ export industry of their own regarding marijuana smuggling and dealing. People die every day because of the illegality of marijuana and their "need to keep people silent" about large inside operations, or simply robbing others of their drugs at gunpoint. It's violent.

Make marijuana legal, and 95% of the underground world of violent drug trafficking (regarding marijuana) is neutralized on the spot. From there, higher education and literacy rates in urban areas will increase. The number of violent crimes will drop.

Ok, now, what this bill offers is 100 grams per person for personal use, which is nearly a quarter pound. Take it from someone that has smoked a quarter pound before all to themselves, it's a lot of marijuana to smoke. It even takes quite a few hours even to smoke that much to one person. However, even though it's a lot, you will still be able to walk, talk, and be human. If you drink a 5th of alcohol at 70 proof or higher, straight or in mixed drinks, for the average person, you will be so far out of your mind that you will completely forget what happens for multiple hours and after that you will probably vomit and vomit until you dry heave - after which you'll REALLY understand just which is worse between these two.

D3ViLsAdvocate wrote:Try shaking the salt harder onto your tongue.


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Post Sat Aug 02, 2008 8:17 am

DarkPacMan77 wrote:
BKFraiders7 wrote:They will get Doctors involved....and if they say no to it it wont be passed. This is stupid anyway. A drug that harms ur body being legal?- That,DPM,is hypocritical

Taking away one's right to privacy?

-That, BKF, is unconstitutional.

U can not consider them taking something away something they never gave you.
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Post Sat Aug 02, 2008 1:31 pm

Yea I watched that movie Que :D.
And I'm sure there are unsteady people out there that MUST have their fix since it calms them.


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Post Sat Aug 02, 2008 8:39 pm

BKFraiders7 wrote:
DarkPacMan77 wrote:
BKFraiders7 wrote:They will get Doctors involved....and if they say no to it it wont be passed. This is stupid anyway. A drug that harms ur body being legal?- That,DPM,is hypocritical

Taking away one's right to privacy?

-That, BKF, is unconstitutional.

U can not consider them taking something away something they never gave you.
who is the government to tell me what to do?
who is the government to give me anything?
what divine creature gives the government this right to tell us how to live
Using any substance should be legal for we own our own bodies and are allowed to treat it as we desire.
BUT WE ARE NOT allowed to use it in public, for it is damaging others peoples health which again NO ONE has the right to do.
We should be allowed to smoke it in our own homes, for its OUR HOME, OUR BODY, AND OUR RIGHT AS HUMANS to do as we wish as long as it does not interfere with the liberties of others.

You cannot try to argue against this for it is very juvenile, you must except the fact that no one has the right to tell a human being what to do, that no one has the right to take away form us a plant that has existed and been used for thousands of years.
It is inhuman, it is excessive, it is UNCIVILIZED!


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Post Sun Aug 03, 2008 8:15 am

What many people fail to realize is that suicide, in America, is illegal.
Hurting your body is illegal.
Therefore, Marijuana is.
I know it's dumb, but Alcoholic beverages and Cigarettes are not. They harm more people than Marijuana does.
That's why I'm saying it should all be illegal. The government doesn't make those illegal because they get soo much money from them.
If Cigarettes were invented today, they'd be illegal to have. Same with Alcohol.

If Marijuana was legalized it would create addicts. Marijuana is addictive. Anything can be addictive.
Someone can be a Turkey addict. Someone can be an addict of eating lead. People can be addicted to, literally, everything.
IF people like the feeling they get from smoking it, and they'd want that feeling everyday, so they smoke everyday and refuse to give it up... Guess what! Yep, they are showing signs off addiction.
There's been studies that conclude that out of all the drugs, chemically, you can become mentally dependable upon Marijuana even though it's harder than any of the other drugs. Caffeine was one of the worst.


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Post Sun Aug 03, 2008 8:52 am

crait wrote:What many people fail to realize is that suicide, in America, is illegal.
Hurting your body is illegal.

oh wait, so i have to have permission to do something to my body?
what kind of world do we live in

how does this sound right in your mind, i cant believe you guys truly think this way.

You are going to let some nobodies tell you what you are allowed to do with your own body? wow....


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Post Sun Aug 03, 2008 9:41 am

No! Absolutely not!
I'm saying that there should be one direction people look in and some stuff shouldn't be allowed if something that's almost the same this is allowed too.
It's hypocrisy. We should be allowed to do whatever we want to our bodies. If you want to legally commit suicide, smoke 300 cigarettes a day.
Just don't try jumping off a building. That's illegal.
Ya' know how stupid that just sounded?
I think if there was a way to make sure people would use Marijuana responsibly and in their own house and not leave until their original mood is back, then I would allow it. But as soon as it's legal, you're gonna see a spike it deaths. People driving while under the influence is dangerous to other people. Same with alcohol. I don't care if my parents drink, but I hate when they try to drive drunk. I hate when my step dad smokes while he's driving because he's using one hand and if he drops his homosexual, or a pile a sticks, on his lap he'll burn himself and could potentially crash and hurt him, me, and/or other people.
There's other ways Marijuana can lead to death. My uncle told me how his aunt died. It was crazy. She got high off of Marijuana and tried to fly out of a barn. Instead, she just flopped down from the top and broke her neck.
People should have the right to hurt themselves. But then again, the government should have the right to protect its citizens.


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Post Sun Aug 03, 2008 11:52 am

when you post a book as a post no one reads it F.Y.I.


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Post Sun Aug 03, 2008 12:14 pm

Well damn thats very interesting.

I dont know who has all heard of or smoked...i believe its called Sylvia.

And this is actually a plant as well...but is actually sold legally. and it is a very strong hallusigen though it is very exspensive.

sh*t made me trip balls for a moment...

But yeah i think if that kind of sh*t is legal then weed should be. But honestly who thinks legislation would pass this?...i dont personally.


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Post Sun Aug 03, 2008 2:08 pm

Skelator03 wrote:when you post a book as a post no one reads it F.Y.I.

I would beg to differ.

Me and my friend was talking about sylvia today at lunch. I had no idea about it.
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