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I hope this is real



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Post Sun Sep 07, 2008 1:29 pm

I still don't fully understand this, are these videos suppose to be exact messages from aliens or something.
Like the exact video and music and all? Cuz this video has lame music about outer space.

Last edited by AdventWolf on Sun Sep 07, 2008 1:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Post Sun Sep 07, 2008 1:37 pm

I found this pretty good info.


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Post Sun Sep 07, 2008 1:52 pm

Hey check this out ... re=related
Interesting stuff.


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Post Sun Sep 07, 2008 2:07 pm

I would love to see a TV special about all of this.


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Post Sun Sep 07, 2008 3:43 pm

D3ViLsAdvocate wrote:I would love to see a TV special about all of this.

You are watching it on Youtube. What could be better?

In/credible =
In: meaning, not.
Credible: meaning, to believe.

This entire thread is incredible!
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Post Sun Sep 07, 2008 5:19 pm

I want actual people to discus it professors,students etc.


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Post Sun Sep 07, 2008 6:03 pm

Well I just feel that the entire production feeds on people's desire to have someone protect and save them.

Some people never grow out of that childish state of mind like living at home and having everything including security be provided.

I think it is pathetic that people would believe that some selfless savior will come and make everything better.

Instead of relying on others rely on yourself because ultimately, the one that saves you is the one that ends up owning you.

The girl in one of the videos is a self proclaimed psychic that supposedly can channel with these aliens and communicate with them on a higher mental level. Anyone notice the inside of her house? I think she is on a "higher" mental level alright.

October 14 will come and go like any other day and again people will be missing the REAL threat to their freedom and again will look elsewhere for salvation.

For those of you that can't do for yourself, good luck finding that security. I hope you can live with it once you do attain it.
The programmers you will one day be looking to hire are the ones reading the tech news sites right now.

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Post Sun Sep 07, 2008 6:27 pm

I found this to be very interesting.

Human beings were created (that is, invented)
via genetic experiments that were conducted by
reptilian aliens. These reptilian aliens, also known
as the "Anunnaki" or the "Reptilians," still rule the
Earth to this day.

In fact, the Reptilians have indoctrinated you so
thoroughly that you are probably too weak-minded to
even fathom that they exist. Via religion, science, and
other forms of indoctrination (i.e., brainwashing), the
Reptilians have steered you (and the rest of humanity)
in the exact opposite direction of the truth, to the point
where the concept of an alien master/creator is
considered to be the ultimate crazy fantasy.

Strangely enough, though, here on Earth, the concept of an imaginary god is perfectly acceptable, and is by no means considered to be the "ultimate crazy fantasy." Yet, the concept of aliens is taboo, and is ultra-ridiculed by society in a freakish "hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil"-type fashion. Well, obviously, this is due to the fact that aliens are indeed real, whereas imaginary gods are not. The Reptilians simply got humans to focus their attention on imaginary gods and away from their true controllers. It's no coincidence that all of Earth's religions fail to acknowledge the existence of aliens. It's because the Reptilians are the very ones who created all of Earth's religions, and thus did not foolishly promote the concept of alien dominance over humanity.

"Many can accept the concept of 'God' or a Supreme Intelligence, but they are stifled when they try to comprehend alien beings. This is partially because of religious and other forms of programming and indoctrination. Many think so narrowly that they believe that the human race is the only intelligence in all Creation" (Amitakh Stanford, "Anunnaki Sewage Plants").

As with humanity, the truth is also an enemy of the Reptilians.
The Reptilians
Do not compare the Reptilians to some abstract, imaginary god. First of all, the Reptilians are the very ones who invented those imaginary gods in the first place. And second of all, the Reptilians are quite tangible--however, you simply don't have enough power to get access to them. So, unless you are a member of some royal family or an elite secret society, don't start crying like a little baby about how you can't see them. Um, news flash: Every human being on Earth is not as weak as you. There are plenty of elite people who have seen and done things that you can't even fathom. Reality is that which actually exists, not just that which the masses are aware of.

You are just a little commoner, so why the hell do you think the Reptilians would reveal themselves to you? They could care less about satisfying your desire to see them in person. But more importantly, they wouldn't reveal themselves to you because they don't even want you to know that they exist.

Ironically enough, however--and this is indeed one huge irony--by you worshipping science and thinking that it will lead you to the truth, you are actually preventing the Reptilians from ever being exposed. This is because the Reptilians are the very ones who created science. Therefore, you cannot use science against them in order to expose them; that would be nonsensical. In fact, science already has safeguards against this kind of stuff (i.e., according to science, despite all of the evidence to the contrary, aliens do not exist).
The Knowledge Gap
It is a self-evident, undeniable fact that you do not have as much knowledge as the elite do. For example, advanced, secret military technology does in fact exist. So, there is indeed a knowledge gap between the elite and the masses. However, you cannot just arbitrarily assume that this knowledge gap is small--it is quite erroneous for you sheeple to make such an assumption.

In actuality, as all real truth seekers are already aware of, the knowledge gap between the elite and the masses is not small, but rather, is absurdly huge! So, rather than complaining about how "outrageous" the information on this website is, you should instead acknowledge the fact that there is a knowledge gap in the first place. Once you acknowledge the knowledge gap, you'll realize that it's not the information on this website that's outrageous, but rather the huge knowledge gap itself that's outrageous. That is, there should not be a knowledge gap between the elite and the masses in the first place, and thus the information on this website is not outrageous because all it does is fill in the huge gap.

The elite have tricked you into thinking that you are in tune with reality (when in fact, you are actually very ignorant). So, since you foolishly thought that your intelligence was on par with the elite's intelligence, you never suspected that there was a huge knowledge gap. If you had, then reading about aliens wouldn't even faze you, because you would actually expect the truth to be extraordinary (in order to compensate for the huge knowledge gap).

Don't you get it? The elite want you to think that you are smart! The best slave is the slave who thinks he is free, and the greatest fool is the fool who thinks he is a wise man.

By you thinking that you are already "in the know," you will never, ever be able to grasp the truth. So, as for the belief system that you are still attempting to hold onto, you must let go of it right this minute! It is of the utmost importance that you realize you are ignorant; and remember, don't let your ego make you reject what I am saying.

The dinosaurs were created by the Reptilians thousands of years ago, before one of the Reptilians' latest re-starts of civilization. The dinosaurs were used in order to scare off other alien races from coming to Earth, and also to kick out the aliens that were already living on Earth. Once the dinosaurs had served their purpose and the Reptilians had Earth under control again, the dinosaurs were disposed of (i.e., made extinct).

The dinosaurs were not (and are not) a one-time deal, and have been created by the Reptilians (and then subsequently destroyed by them) many times in the past. Moreover, the dinosaur fossils that are found by scientists are only from the latest batch of dinosaurs.

What do you guys think?


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Post Sun Sep 07, 2008 7:09 pm

I hope others weigh in after I post this.

The document has a few flaws.

I agree Humans were a genetic experiment.

Reptilian aliens running the show? Well why hide? If they are so powerful why not just enslave the planet outright? Why wait? No I am not buying reptilian aliens dominating the world.

I agree. Why is it so easy to believe in god and not believe in Aliens? I believe in them but I do not believe that they are still visiting us. Why hide and avoid us? Why not come out in the open and show us or better yet "SAVE US" from our oppressors?

"It's no coincidence that all of Earth's religions fail to acknowledge the existence of aliens."

This is false. The bible clearly describes many extra terrestrial encounters people just do not know how to interpret them. Read the book of Ezekiel first chapter second verse for example.

Fine I can't prove reptilian humanoids do not exist just like I can neither prove nor disprove the existence of fairies and leprechauns.

I think that if the reptilians existed for thousands of years that there would be more evidence than some random forum post supporting it. I am not reptilian and it just seems odd that at some point some doctor or even maid would have run into one.

"The dinosaurs were used in order to scare off other alien races from coming to Earth"


I think whoever wrote this did not get enough attention as a child.

The Mormon faith (forgive me if I offend anyone) was invented by a teenager looking for attention and has no basis in fact. Despite the lack of supporting archeological evidence people still believe it as fact.

How long did it take for us to stop believing in Santa? The Tooth Fairy? We clutch that which we want the most and for most of us it is security.

An entertaining read. Thanks for posting, thanks for reading.
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~George Hotz @ $ony


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Post Sun Sep 07, 2008 7:23 pm

D3ViLsAdvocate wrote:I found this to be very interesting.

Human beings were created (that is, invented)
via genetic experiments that were conducted by
reptilian aliens. These reptilian aliens, also known
as the "Anunnaki" or the "Reptilians," still rule the
Earth to this day.

In fact, the Reptilians have indoctrinated you so
thoroughly that you are probably too weak-minded to
even fathom that they exist. Via religion, science, and
other forms of indoctrination (i.e., brainwashing), the
Reptilians have steered you (and the rest of humanity)
in the exact opposite direction of the truth, to the point
where the concept of an alien master/creator is
considered to be the ultimate crazy fantasy.

Strangely enough, though, here on Earth, the concept of an imaginary god is perfectly acceptable, and is by no means considered to be the "ultimate crazy fantasy." Yet, the concept of aliens is taboo, and is ultra-ridiculed by society in a freakish "hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil"-type fashion. Well, obviously, this is due to the fact that aliens are indeed real, whereas imaginary gods are not. The Reptilians simply got humans to focus their attention on imaginary gods and away from their true controllers. It's no coincidence that all of Earth's religions fail to acknowledge the existence of aliens. It's because the Reptilians are the very ones who created all of Earth's religions, and thus did not foolishly promote the concept of alien dominance over humanity.

"Many can accept the concept of 'God' or a Supreme Intelligence, but they are stifled when they try to comprehend alien beings. This is partially because of religious and other forms of programming and indoctrination. Many think so narrowly that they believe that the human race is the only intelligence in all Creation" (Amitakh Stanford, "Anunnaki Sewage Plants").

As with humanity, the truth is also an enemy of the Reptilians.
The Reptilians
Do not compare the Reptilians to some abstract, imaginary god. First of all, the Reptilians are the very ones who invented those imaginary gods in the first place. And second of all, the Reptilians are quite tangible--however, you simply don't have enough power to get access to them. So, unless you are a member of some royal family or an elite secret society, don't start crying like a little baby about how you can't see them. Um, news flash: Every human being on Earth is not as weak as you. There are plenty of elite people who have seen and done things that you can't even fathom. Reality is that which actually exists, not just that which the masses are aware of.

You are just a little commoner, so why the hell do you think the Reptilians would reveal themselves to you? They could care less about satisfying your desire to see them in person. But more importantly, they wouldn't reveal themselves to you because they don't even want you to know that they exist.

Ironically enough, however--and this is indeed one huge irony--by you worshipping science and thinking that it will lead you to the truth, you are actually preventing the Reptilians from ever being exposed. This is because the Reptilians are the very ones who created science. Therefore, you cannot use science against them in order to expose them; that would be nonsensical. In fact, science already has safeguards against this kind of stuff (i.e., according to science, despite all of the evidence to the contrary, aliens do not exist).
The Knowledge Gap
It is a self-evident, undeniable fact that you do not have as much knowledge as the elite do. For example, advanced, secret military technology does in fact exist. So, there is indeed a knowledge gap between the elite and the masses. However, you cannot just arbitrarily assume that this knowledge gap is small--it is quite erroneous for you sheeple to make such an assumption.

In actuality, as all real truth seekers are already aware of, the knowledge gap between the elite and the masses is not small, but rather, is absurdly huge! So, rather than complaining about how "outrageous" the information on this website is, you should instead acknowledge the fact that there is a knowledge gap in the first place. Once you acknowledge the knowledge gap, you'll realize that it's not the information on this website that's outrageous, but rather the huge knowledge gap itself that's outrageous. That is, there should not be a knowledge gap between the elite and the masses in the first place, and thus the information on this website is not outrageous because all it does is fill in the huge gap.

The elite have tricked you into thinking that you are in tune with reality (when in fact, you are actually very ignorant). So, since you foolishly thought that your intelligence was on par with the elite's intelligence, you never suspected that there was a huge knowledge gap. If you had, then reading about aliens wouldn't even faze you, because you would actually expect the truth to be extraordinary (in order to compensate for the huge knowledge gap).

Don't you get it? The elite want you to think that you are smart! The best slave is the slave who thinks he is free, and the greatest fool is the fool who thinks he is a wise man.

By you thinking that you are already "in the know," you will never, ever be able to grasp the truth. So, as for the belief system that you are still attempting to hold onto, you must let go of it right this minute! It is of the utmost importance that you realize you are ignorant; and remember, don't let your ego make you reject what I am saying.

The dinosaurs were created by the Reptilians thousands of years ago, before one of the Reptilians' latest re-starts of civilization. The dinosaurs were used in order to scare off other alien races from coming to Earth, and also to kick out the aliens that were already living on Earth. Once the dinosaurs had served their purpose and the Reptilians had Earth under control again, the dinosaurs were disposed of (i.e., made extinct).

The dinosaurs were not (and are not) a one-time deal, and have been created by the Reptilians (and then subsequently destroyed by them) many times in the past. Moreover, the dinosaur fossils that are found by scientists are only from the latest batch of dinosaurs.

What do you guys think?
Call me crazy and all, but thats what i believe though i think they look like humans.
Dont get me wrong, its full of BS but i believe the parts of us being a experiment but not the part where they rule the world and crap

As you look back in history, you see that people believed in gods.
Now in order to be a god, someone has to have incredible power and show it somehow or the people will never have faih in him.

These "Gods" must have done something to make the people believe they are god.
From Pharaohs to various other gods who visited the Earth.

One perfect example is the Viking god Thor, who would rode the sky's in his "CHARIOT"
Chariot that rides the sky? hmm i wonder what that could be.
Also all viking gods came from the "Heavens" meaning the sky.

Also when you look at the ancient pyramids, they were practically impossible to make with such precision. Many archeologist say that to build such pyramids you would need tools that were not invented at the time, that you would need so much equipment, but no evidence of this equipment has been found.

a PBS special talked about how the pyramids could have been made by other life forms, and why its impossible for people from that time to build the pyramids without the equipment we have today

Also as you look back in history, you the form mesopotamia to Mayans to Ancient china, you see the same type of gods.
The gods who were reptilian looking.

But we will never know the truth, for we think we know the truth, but is what we consider to be truth the actual truth or is it a deception.
For ignorance is not what we should worry about, what we should be afraid of is thinking we know things, when we don't.

BKF, when you said its funny i see what you meant, because if you were to tell me Jesus is coming i would laugh and make fun of you, but to you it seems perfectly truth for it is what you want and you wish it to be true

que13x wrote:The girl in one of the videos is a self proclaimed psychic that supposedly can channel with these aliens and communicate with them on a higher mental level. Anyone notice the inside of her house? I think she is on a "higher" mental level alright.
Actually the girl is bullsh*t, the messages came from GTF who say they communicate with aliens or something, i am ignorant about the subject. dont even know if i got the name right. But here you can get some good info, ignore the post the guy made and read the comments
AdventWolf wrote:Hey check this out ... re=related
Interesting stuff.
Everyone needs to see this one, you have to be a fool not to believe this in my humble opinion
D3ViLsAdvocate wrote:I found this pretty good info.
very nice


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Brew Guru
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Post Sun Sep 07, 2008 7:53 pm

farquezy wrote:Now in order to be a god, someone has to have incredible power and show it somehow or the people will never have faih in him.

Now you need power? No, you need MONEY to be a god.

farquezy wrote:Also all viking gods came from the "Heavens" meaning the sky.

Not just Viking gods, ALL gods came from the sky.

farquezy wrote:Also when you look at the ancient pyramids, they were practically impossible to make with such precision. Many archeologist say that to build such pyramids you would need tools that were not invented at the time, that you would need so much equipment, but no evidence of this equipment has been found.

Not true. Not only have wall carvings shown thousands of people pulling stones with ropes to build the pyramids. but it is also known that stars and constellations played an important role in the lives of ancient Egyptians. There was no TV nor internet in ancient times so at night people would stare at the sky and tell tales to explain what they saw. They would have noticed that all stars move around the "North Star" and applied significance to that star and lined up the pyramids accordingly.

farquezy wrote:Also as you look back in history, you the form mesopotamia to Mayans to Ancient china, you see the same type of gods. The gods who were reptilian looking.

I do not know of a single ancient Greek or even Egyptian reptilian god. The Mayans had a Condor god named Quetzalcoatl. The Chinese still have their demons and dragons. Yes they are famous for dragons and dragons are reptilian. You still missed the mark on the rest.

farquezy wrote:But we will never know the truth, for we think we know the truth, but is what we consider to be truth the actual truth or is it a deception. For ignorance is not what we should worry about, what we should be afraid of is thinking we know things, when we don't. BKF, when you said its funny i see what you meant, because if you were to tell me Jesus is coming i would laugh and make fun of you, but to you it seems perfectly truth for it is what you want and you wish it to be true

We believe what we want no matter how preposterous.

You forgot to post a Youtube link supporting your post FarQ
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Post Sun Sep 07, 2008 8:08 pm

i dont need youtube to support my post que
looks reptilian to me

the sun of god Ra. ... 300.gifbut yes greeks dont have reptilian gods and as i said before i believe the aliens look like us.

Also the part about pyramids true, because i said the equipment REQUIRED to build such pyramids are not found, not equipment that were used to build the pyramids.

The theory is that a ramp was built so the blocks could be carried up to the pyramids, but the ramp would take longer to build. Also the blocks were no where close to where the pyramids were made, meaning they were had to carried them hundreds of miles to the locations of where the pyramids were made which seems impossible to me.

Now you wanted a youtube video, your wish is fulfilled


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Post Sun Sep 07, 2008 8:21 pm

Check out the site I posted it goes into alot of detail about this.

All religions on Earth are artificial, created by the Reptilians. Through past experiences (millions of years ago, onward), the Reptilians had seen how their implanted religions could control the populations of various worlds. When the Reptilians go on to conquer further planets, Earth will be used as yet another example of how to use religion as a means of control.

By worshipping the gods of these religions, human beings have been (and still are) really worshipping the Reptilians, who are false gods. The True Creator does not need to be (nor has the desire to be) "worshipped." A desire to be worshipped is a classic trait of the Reptilians, who are very egotistical and controlling beings. The notion of the True Creator wanting to be worshipped is actually quite comical.

"Fear of 'god' is an Anunnaki imposition. They project 'miracles' and visions to make the flesh-and-blood Anunnaki appear to be deities. They demand repentance and worship of them. They demand shrines, altars, sacrifices and atonement. They threaten to punish those who disobey them. They are ghouls, not gods"

The Face on Mars, the Face on Earth,
and the Pyramids on Mars

NASA has doctored all of the photos of the face on Mars, especially the most recent ones. The photo below was taken by Viking 1 on July 25, 1976 (allegedly--after all, NASA could be lying), and was the first photo of the face that NASA released to the public.

Furthermore, it's not as if NASA and the elite are the only ones who know that there is a face on Mars. Any random human being could know such a thing if they were told about it by an alien. The "Race for the Moon" comic book that was published in September of 1958 (18 years before 1976, mind you) featured a story entitled "The Face on Mars," which was about an international team of astronauts who go to Mars and discover a carving of a Martian face that is as big as a mountain. Pages from the comic book are shown below.

The Face on Mars, 1976

"The Face on Mars," 1958

The Face on Earth, Iran, 1937

The pyramids on Mars are located right next to the face. This region of Mars is known as "Cydonia."

Moreover, the D&M Pyramid on Mars, in Cydonia, is the same type of pyramid as the Dadan Rock on Earth, in Iran.

The D&M Pyramid on Mars, Cydonia

The Dadan Rock on Earth, Iran, 1937


The Pseudo-Elite of Earth's Secret Societies

The ambitious human beings who scurry around in Earth's secret societies try their best to overcome the morality barrier. That is, their ultimate goal in life is to become powerful enough so that they will no longer need to have any morals (as is the goal of pretty much every human being on Earth, whether they want to admit it or not).

These humans who are in Earth's secret societies are merely pseudo-elites. On the other hand, the Reptilians are the ruling elite because they are at the very top of Earth's control pyramid.

But, whereas the pseudo-elite are at least aware of their place on Earth's control pyramid, the common man does not even know that there is a control pyramid. Even despite the fact that the common man's knowledge, beliefs, and values are based upon what Earth's authority figures tell him, he is still oblivious to the fact that he is at the very bottom of a system of control.

Getting back to the issue of overcoming the morality barrier, a true Freemason is indeed a free man, and thus is no longer a slave to morality. Ironically enough, though, Freemasonry officially defines itself as "a system of morality"--the exact opposite of what it actually is. Gee, go figure.

Some Masonic Companies and Organizations


Advanced Concrete Systems Inc.

The Associated General Contractors of America
Last edited by D3ViLsAdvocate on Sun Sep 07, 2008 8:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Brew Guru
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Post Sun Sep 07, 2008 8:26 pm

farquezy wrote:the sun of god Ra. ... 300.gifbut yes greeks dont have reptilian gods and as i said before i believe the aliens look like us.

Also the part about pyramids true, because i said the equipment REQUIRED to build such pyramids are not found, not equipment that were used to build the pyramids.

The theory is that a ramp was built so the blocks could be carried up to the pyramids, but the ramp would take longer to build. Also the blocks were no where close to where the pyramids were made, meaning they were had to carried them hundreds of miles to the locations of where the pyramids were made which seems impossible to me.

Your gif link yields a blank page for me. RA is a bad example because he had many forms the most common of which was a humanoid with the head of a falcon not a reptile.

Also the fact that we do not give credit for the craftsmanship of the ancients just shows our modern ignorance and arrogance.

The equipment used to build the pyramids would likely have been made of wood which would have disintegrated by now. Any metal objects could have been found centuries if not millenia ago by grave robbers and eventually melted down.

The stones of stonehenge in England were Quarried miles away as well. I would not say it is impossible. No one considers that life was a lot simpler thousands of years ago and so you could have tens of thousands of people focusing and contributing to one project.

If you want to give ET credit for the pyramids that is your choice I would rather believe that dedicated humans did it as a testament to what can be done when people put down their differences and work towards a common goal.
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Post Mon Sep 08, 2008 12:57 pm

que13x wrote:
farquezy wrote:the sun of god Ra. ... 300.gifbut yes greeks dont have reptilian gods and as i said before i believe the aliens look like us.

Also the part about pyramids true, because i said the equipment REQUIRED to build such pyramids are not found, not equipment that were used to build the pyramids.

The theory is that a ramp was built so the blocks could be carried up to the pyramids, but the ramp would take longer to build. Also the blocks were no where close to where the pyramids were made, meaning they were had to carried them hundreds of miles to the locations of where the pyramids were made which seems impossible to me.

Your gif link yields a blank page for me. RA is a bad example because he had many forms the most common of which was a humanoid with the head of a falcon not a reptile.

Also the fact that we do not give credit for the craftsmanship of the ancients just shows our modern ignorance and arrogance.

The equipment used to build the pyramids would likely have been made of wood which would have disintegrated by now. Any metal objects could have been found centuries if not millenia ago by grave robbers and eventually melted down.

The stones of stonehenge in England were Quarried miles away as well. I would not say it is impossible. No one considers that life was a lot simpler thousands of years ago and so you could have tens of thousands of people focusing and contributing to one project.

If you want to give ET credit for the pyramids that is your choice I would rather believe that dedicated humans did it as a testament to what can be done when people put down their differences and work towards a common goal.
Ok will i doubt that cavemen just randomly were like " HEY LETS CARRY HUGE donkey STONES DOZENS OF MILES AND MAKE STONEHENGE"

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