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Mice's 360 vs PS3 Debating Thread


mice R nice

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Post Thu Aug 07, 2008 2:47 pm

ooo, roadblock


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Post Thu Aug 07, 2008 5:40 pm

my friends xbox 360 has broken twice. the second one didnt even last a year. just to let you in on their lifespan. oh and there is going to be a price drop in the 80 gig ps3 soon, like September i think they said at e3.

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Post Thu Aug 07, 2008 6:58 pm

Do you hav any links to that or is this off what you heard?

kuz that sounds great


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Post Thu Aug 07, 2008 7:29 pm


mice R nice

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Post Thu Aug 07, 2008 7:32 pm

That's excellent, but did the 40 GB have backwards compatibility?


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Post Thu Aug 07, 2008 7:37 pm

Nope, but the current 80 GB MGS4 one does.


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Post Thu Aug 07, 2008 7:39 pm

i have a ps3 and a 360 in my house and i like the ps3. The interface is good, the games are good, the online is free, and it simply is a better piece of hardware. 360 definitely has its good games.

Really though the only notable games that are Xbox exclusive are: Mass Effect and Halo 3 (which gets old)

PS3 has Resistance, MGS4 (awesome!!), SOCOM, and other awesome games

just dont get a Wii, i've grown to hate them


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Post Thu Aug 07, 2008 8:01 pm

Mass Effect is coming to PS3 next year I think. That and Bioshock?

You know what would be great? If Sony added an option where you could rip the PS2 disc to your Hard Drive and play it, that way they wouldn't have to worry about the laser disk reader. It would be an easy way to addPS2 compatibility to the PS3 and it would be a sweet deal!
Then again people could just rent it or borrow the game and rip it to the PS3. They could make you stick the game in the PS3 to verify, then you could play..


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Post Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:07 pm

I've always defended the PS3 and gave it a bypass as the better console, but I'm going to have to say that the 360 takes the cake now. I don't own either but I've used both. I changed my mind pretty much for two reasons.

1. The price on the PS3 is just too high still. I understand that when it launched, Blu Ray drives for home PC systems were still around... gee.. $900-1,000, which is ridiculous, but now you can pick one up for just $104.99. Since most critics and market experts agreed that the high price of the PS3 was most largely contributed to the high cost of Blu Ray technology, how come we haven't seen a sharp decline in the price of the PS3 even though there's been a 90% price decline in home PC Blu Ray drives? I know that there is more to the PS3 than Blu Ray. It has other great hardware to boast about, but other such computer hardware has been lowering in price as well.

2. Xbox 360 has one of the best video games ever made in recent times. It's an exclusive to only 360, and for my money, I'd like to have a game system with this extraordinary video game.

Those are really the two biggest reasons. Free online versus pay-to-play really doesn't seem fair, especially for a huge corporation like Microscam, but I also heard that GTA IV doesn't have the same multiplayer abilities online on the PS3 as does the 360, which is pretty huge if it's true.

Also, rapping up another large DPM post... I found out that GTA IV WILL BE RELEASED FOR PC!!!!! WO0O0OT!! I know any of you GTA IV lovers may think I'm crazy when I say this, but I have yet to play or even watch a single second of GTA IV (other than game reviews and stuff online). I'm a huge fan of GTA games, so it's been really hard, but I'm so glad that they are going to release it on the PC. I think the release date is 11/18. I mean, I didn't have a "doubt" about whether they would release it. All others have been... but this time I was kinda worried because they hadn't really announced anything official. Man... can't wait... well... I guess I can. I've gone this long already!

D3ViLsAdvocate wrote:Try shaking the salt harder onto your tongue.


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Post Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:20 pm

I think the production cost for the PS3 is roughly $400?
Plus it has everything built in :D.


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Post Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:30 pm

.Yunoko wrote:
mice R nice ~(_"> wrote:hmm, gewd points, and also, can you play multiplatform online games with ppl who have the game for the 360?

And can't you play PC games on the 360 too?

For the first question do you mean like play PS3 games against people on the 360? If so no.

Also I am not sure about playing PC games but I don't think so.

Yea all you fanboys out there are going to hate me but, I never got into the Halo games or GoW games, probably a main reason I like the ps3.

Also remember if you have a psp you can play your psp games on the ps3 (I am not sure I am outdated on my information) or is it that you can use your psp as a controller. One or the other its still good.

Not many ppl that own a 360 will admit it, but most of the ones that don't LOVE the ps3 just as much as a 360.
and viceversa. its just the cash issue. the ppl that have the ps3 are the hardcore gamers that have the money for it, and the ppl that have a 360 are the hardcore gamers who like more bang for their buck.
either way, the systems are starting to combine gamewise.
cause if you notice, the Xbox is getting a lot of the games that the PS3 has like, Final Fantasy 13, MGS4, and a few others that escape me at the moment.
The original Equ1ox since 1997.


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Post Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:33 pm

So then, let's vote on this. Because I have the same problem; PS3 or Xbox 360?

Which one?!?! So difficult >_<


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Post Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:33 pm

360 is getting MGS4? Konami denied that rumor already. Unless they changed their minds recently.

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Post Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:40 pm

Yumiko wrote:So then, let's vote on this. Because I have the same problem; PS3 or Xbox 360?

Which one?!?! So difficult >_<

All this talk is still not helping me

All I'm really worried about is buying a PS3 and then spending a lot of money, and then seeing that nobody else has it and a whole bunch of gewd games come out for the XBOX, this is why my decision is soooo difficult...


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Post Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:43 pm

Yeah, I know.
How 'bout we wait it out Mice?

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