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Legal Marijuana?



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Post Thu Jul 31, 2008 11:14 am

Skelator03 wrote:if they cant tax it one way or another it wont go anyhwere though

True. I agree. But get this. I can't remember the exact numbers here, but when I was in high school we did a "mock Congress" type of thing in which my friends and I wrote and co-sponsored a bill for the legalization of marijuana (like just about any other school will do). Anyways, we brought up the point about how much marijuana was confiscated on a daily amount, which is tons (literally). The street value for a ton of marijuana? - don't even go there. It's huge. Now take that astronomical value, add about a 40% tax to it, and multiply it by 365.

We're talking money, money, money... and that's only what law enforcement is able to CONFISCATE, which is hundreds of times less than the amount that goes under the radar. But that "amount under the radar" could very well turn into the "amount that goes into Uncle Sam's pocketbook".

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Post Thu Jul 31, 2008 11:22 am

Personally I don't think it should be legalized. Its bad enough that smoking cigarettes is legal, as well as drinking alcohol is legal. Using alcohol a HORRIBLE example to support the idea of legalizing marijuana. The reason alcohol is still legal is because if it was unlegalized it could cost the US millions of dollars. They already tried that once, and it didn't work out. Not to mention the police wouldn't have less to worry about, they would have more to worry about. People smoking and driving would be worse then just busting people sitting around and smoking. It would kill more people. I agree totally that the police shouldn't intrude on people smoking say, in their house by themselves. Thats their fault, and they aren't bothering anyone. Once they step out of their house though, and start to smoke in public then it totally crosses the line for me.

But yea, just using alcohol as a reason is the worst reason I can think of. There is really nothing you can do about alcohol. The only possible thing I could think of is making alcohol and cigarettes illegal, and giving all the people that lost their jobs a marijuana job, and making it only illegal in public. But saying alcohol is legal so marijuana should be too is not helping anyone! Its just adding to the problem. I think you should instead of adding to the problem, people need to stop abusing alcohol before they decide to let people also smoke marijuana too.

That's what I think, don't add to the problem we already have :p If it is legalized, the only true reason it will be is so the government can somehow make money off of it.
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Post Thu Jul 31, 2008 11:23 am

DarkPacMan77 wrote:If you don't support marijuana being legalized, at least to this extent, then you must also be against alcohol being legal. If not, that's completely hypocritical. I'm not saying you do or don't have those opinions as it is, but in either case, it clearly shows that government intrudes on the privacy of individuals.


I actually don't think cigarettes, alcohol, nor drugs should be legal. If cigarettes were invited now instead of a few hundred years ago, then they'd be completely illegal. All three harm your body. All three can lead to harm of other people.
It's not that hard to follow. I don't think innocent people should get hurt for something that's preventable.

BKFraiders7 wrote:They will get Doctors involved....and if they say no to it it wont be passed. This is stupid anyway. A drug that harms ur body being legal?- That, DPM, is hypocritical



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Post Thu Jul 31, 2008 11:27 am

ace_012 wrote:Personally I don't think it should be legalized. Its bad enough that smoking cigarettes is legal, as well as drinking alcohol is legal. Using alcohol a HORRIBLE example to support the idea of legalizing marijuana. The reason alcohol is still legal is because if it was unlegalized it could cost the US millions of dollars.


That's what I think, don't add to the problem we already have :p If it is legalized, the only true reason it will be is so the government can somehow make money off of it.

Totally correct. The only reason cigarettes are legal is because the government makes mucho money-o from people.


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Post Thu Jul 31, 2008 11:35 am

how does mari. harm the are imposing on peoples civil liberties to do as they wish.........other contries legalize with no problems and it wouldnt be legal just decriminalized like in colorado you can have an ounce and all you get is a ticket and you havnt heard about mass of poeple dieing i got high and drove all the time with no problems other than always being late


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Post Thu Jul 31, 2008 11:35 am

I think all three should be illegal either because of what they do to you and hurt you. What I mean by that is everybody has at least had one person either die, or broken friendship because of one of those three.
Last edited by .Yunoko on Thu Jul 31, 2008 11:52 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Post Thu Jul 31, 2008 11:44 am

You don't hear about people dying from Marijuana and driving because Marijuana is illegal and they'd get in a lot more of trouble if they'd get caught than if it were legal.


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Post Thu Jul 31, 2008 12:11 pm

Skelator03 wrote:how does mari. harm the are imposing on peoples civil liberties to do as they wish.........other contries legalize with no problems and it wouldnt be legal just decriminalized like in colorado you can have an ounce and all you get is a ticket and you havnt heard about mass of poeple dieing i got high and drove all the time with no problems other than always being late

So other countries have Marijuana legal? Then go live there. :roll:
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Post Thu Jul 31, 2008 12:31 pm

DarkPacMan77 wrote:Before agreeing or disagreeing with this proposal, I think it's important to look at what it would potentially solve or complicate.

This would free up police officers' time and resources. What this would mean, is that police would be better-equipped to handle the situations in which you've asked yourself, "where is a cop when I need one?" - kind of thing. This may also mean that you would be more likely to be busted while vandalizing property or speeding in a motor vehicle etc. - so if you enjoy these currently illegal activities, this may not be so good for you.

The commercial aspect to this issue is also potentially astounding. If this would somehow mean that it would be legal for companies to produce packaged marijuana cigarettes, and be taxable, this single act alone would help speed America through recession. This could also help diminish street crime and gang violence by vast margins (when dealing in marijuana - which is most common). If it's legal to deal, there's no dangerous drug-running/ dealing to be dealt with regarding marijuana. Violent crimes like rape and murder could very well be brought much lower. Over time, this will also help to improve the national problem regarding jails being over-crowded.

My personal views:

I'm not completely sure how I feel about this. I enjoy marijuana on my own time and at my own leisure. I need to know more information about this particular act before making a surefire opinion though. Based on the constitution alone, however, I feel that the government should not be able to intrude on people that enjoy smoking marijuana unless those very people create a problem in which the marijuana intrudes on other people. What I mean by that, is basically that we don't punish people that choose to have a few cocktails after work and watch the news, so why punish someone that choose to smoke a joint and do the same thing? I think that if this is passed, that it will create bad things right off the bat. I think things will get worse, but I think things will most definitely get better over time, just as alcohol did when it was legalized again.

I don't see any harm in most of the people that I know who like to smoke marijuana, even while driving, which may seem scary or w/e to many people, but it's just the truth. Smoking marijuana simply doesn't make you as inebriated as drinking alcohol, especially in excess. On top of that, I've hardly ever seen someone become violent from smoking marijuana.

I believe that drinking alcohol is hundreds of times worse than smoking marijuana, the question is, am I ready to have marijuana be commercialized? I'm not so sure yet. Sorry for the very long post.

@ SKELLY - Click on the CNN text at the bottom of my first post. It's actually a hyperlink to the article. It's just not that noticeable.


I'm a street skater so that could possibly be a problem for me.

I don't hop fences and skate in people's pools, but I do often stake in "Private Property".

Which brings up a question. How the hell is a Public(Publix Ironically) grocery store parking lot Private Property?
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Post Thu Jul 31, 2008 12:43 pm

BKFraiders7 wrote:I hope it isnt passed....

right, i live close to the border... :twisted:


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Post Thu Jul 31, 2008 12:44 pm

It would probably create more addicts maybe? Or maybe the idea of it being illegal makes people want it more. There are a lot of unsteady people out there that will most definitely abuse the drug. Not everyone - certainly not the minority of people will abuse it because they will probably use it as an anti-depressant which means they need it more and wouldn't want to let it go.
This can be said the same as both cigarettes and alcohol cuz it is definitely strange to why they are legal but Marijuana isn't. I guess it comes down to money and other matters that don't really mesh with the health problems.


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Post Thu Jul 31, 2008 1:12 pm

roxfox64 wrote:
DarkPacMan77 wrote:Before agreeing or disagreeing with this proposal, I think it's important to look at what it would potentially solve or complicate.

This would free up police officers' time and resources. What this would mean, is that police would be better-equipped to handle the situations in which you've asked yourself, "where is a cop when I need one?" - kind of thing. This may also mean that you would be more likely to be busted while vandalizing property or speeding in a motor vehicle etc. - so if you enjoy these currently illegal activities, this may not be so good for you.

The commercial aspect to this issue is also potentially astounding. If this would somehow mean that it would be legal for companies to produce packaged marijuana cigarettes, and be taxable, this single act alone would help speed America through recession. This could also help diminish street crime and gang violence by vast margins (when dealing in marijuana - which is most common). If it's legal to deal, there's no dangerous drug-running/ dealing to be dealt with regarding marijuana. Violent crimes like rape and murder could very well be brought much lower. Over time, this will also help to improve the national problem regarding jails being over-crowded.

My personal views:

I'm not completely sure how I feel about this. I enjoy marijuana on my own time and at my own leisure. I need to know more information about this particular act before making a surefire opinion though. Based on the constitution alone, however, I feel that the government should not be able to intrude on people that enjoy smoking marijuana unless those very people create a problem in which the marijuana intrudes on other people. What I mean by that, is basically that we don't punish people that choose to have a few cocktails after work and watch the news, so why punish someone that choose to smoke a joint and do the same thing? I think that if this is passed, that it will create bad things right off the bat. I think things will get worse, but I think things will most definitely get better over time, just as alcohol did when it was legalized again.

I don't see any harm in most of the people that I know who like to smoke marijuana, even while driving, which may seem scary or w/e to many people, but it's just the truth. Smoking marijuana simply doesn't make you as inebriated as drinking alcohol, especially in excess. On top of that, I've hardly ever seen someone become violent from smoking marijuana.

I believe that drinking alcohol is hundreds of times worse than smoking marijuana, the question is, am I ready to have marijuana be commercialized? I'm not so sure yet. Sorry for the very long post.

@ SKELLY - Click on the CNN text at the bottom of my first post. It's actually a hyperlink to the article. It's just not that noticeable.


I'm a street skater so that could possibly be a problem for me.

I don't hop fences and skate in people's pools, but I do often stake in "Private Property".

Which brings up a question. How the hell is a Public(Publix Ironically) grocery store parking lot Private Property?

Because the store owns it, but the police can not do anything, only the bylaw people or the store owner can tell you to leave.


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Post Thu Jul 31, 2008 2:38 pm

Also, Wal-Mart parking lots are private property.
Therefore, you don't have to stop at the stop signs in them, you can drive without your seatbelt, you don't have to use a blinker, and you can go as fast as you want. ^L^


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Post Thu Jul 31, 2008 2:46 pm

crait wrote:Also, Wal-Mart parking lots are private property.
Therefore, you don't have to stop at the stop signs in them, you can drive without your seatbelt, you don't have to use a blinker, and you can go as fast as you want. ^L^

Yep just like every parking lot. Only a few are owned by that city.


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Post Thu Jul 31, 2008 3:33 pm

I don't support. No reason necessary ;P

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