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John McCian vs Obama



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Post Thu Jan 31, 2008 5:51 pm

John McCian vs Obama

well seems like these two are going to run for presidency.

i have no clue wtf these people will do, but all i no is that all young people like obama and that McCain has great ideas(i heard his speeches sometimes).
I also know that Obama is very religious while McCain isnt, i wouldnt want a religious president because it could get in the way of his decisions...
who is better and who do you think will win?


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Post Thu Jan 31, 2008 6:01 pm

You posted Early FarQ

Super Tuesday will be a deciding factor and Hillary may still win over Obama.


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Post Thu Jan 31, 2008 6:04 pm

here we go, another tread...



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Post Thu Jan 31, 2008 7:42 pm

blackzmage wrote:here we go, another tread...


What is wrong with another thread? Is this not general chat?


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Post Fri Feb 01, 2008 3:18 am

I was actually waiting until Super Tuesday to make a thread just like this except with the actual candidates and a poll....
Personally i think Hilary should win instead of Obama. I mean she has wayyyy more experience then Obama. If you ask me race and gender is the biggest deciding factor in this race for the democrats, instead of what the candidates can do for the country. I really haven't paid much attention to McCain, but I'm sure he would be a better candidate then Obama.

Bill Clinton for first lady!
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Post Fri Feb 01, 2008 4:51 am

Haha, Bill Clinton first lady :P. I'm not sure, but I know that if either Hilary or Obama get elected, it will because of their gender/race.
People out there will actually just vote for Hilary because "we need a woman in office" Which she clearly has proven herself unworthy with being all emotional.

I don't know much about the political race, but I do know that Huckaby is being endorsed by Chuck Norris! :)


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Post Fri Feb 01, 2008 12:22 pm

O yea I saw that lol. Well I mean considering all the democratic runners, I believe Hilary has the most experience out of all of them. Especially since her husband was president so she already has a taste of what it's like. That's the only reason I would vote for her. I mean really, what does Obama "offer" that's better then hilary? Other then universal healthcare lol. I think free healthcare would be a horrible idea. I mean I like free healthcare, but the grade of healthcare would dramatically drop, take Canada for example. Just my thoughts though.
It's not the religion that causes wars, it's the men who use religion as a means to control people that do.
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Post Fri Feb 01, 2008 4:36 pm

AdventWolf wrote:I know that if either Hilary or Obama get elected, it will because of their gender/race.

I really hope you said this in jest.

I actually like Obama because he has ideas that are in line with my own. I know he is a new senator but I believe that he is the only candidate that can deliver true change as we have had basically Clinton and Bush to choose from for president for the last 20 years. Let's give Obama a chance. He can't do any worse than what we have now.

I know race is an issue for a lot of people. I blame the 4th branch of the government (the media) for reporting on what the candidates are wearing or how they comb their hair their gender or their race to distract the public from focusing on what the candidates think. The media is steering the minds of the public by not covering the issues that matter. For example why did Hillary never have to answer for Whitewater or her and her husbands role in the mysterious deaths that occurred to some involved (an apparent suicide decapitation) or her marijuana use at Wesleyan (You don't think Bill did not inhale by himself do you?) or why there were so many militant lesbians in Bills cabinet. Poor Mike Gravel is still in the democratic race and he did not even get to be heard in the debates! Think that maybe his poll numbers are a direct result of the media not covering him?

Let's assume race matters in a candidate. Think of it, the first true African American as president would be scrutinized and possibly despised more than the current president. Obama has to know what he is getting into. He knows that he would set the example for all non traditional candidates to follow so in Obama's administration you can kiss goodbye any personal agendas, any sex scandals, any corruption charges, etc.

The same applies to a female candidate too(by the way, apparently we have already had a gay president).

As an added bonus, Obama was not born wealthy or even upper middle class so he can relate to a larger segment of the population when it comes to the issues. Obama does not sound like an "unsophisticated provincial person" like the last few presidents we have had. He actually sounds and carries his self like a leader with a lot of class despite his modest upbringing. I think he has the mind to unify the country and more importantly the global allies that we lost in March of 2003.

I think/hope McCain will receive the Republican nomination. If he is elected president (I am still open to voting for him) I hope that he does not become a puppet of the Republican Party and continue some of the policies of the current administration.
Last edited by que13x on Fri Feb 01, 2008 4:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Post Fri Feb 01, 2008 4:48 pm

Yeah, universal healthcare wouldn't be a good idea. People like our heathcare, and people come here for our healthcare.

Definitely the media gets tooo involved with the politics, they should just sit back and talk about the debates an the standings and thats it.
Obama speaks well, he is very charismatic.
I forget what the site is called but its like "" or something and it asks you questions and afterwards it shows you who you are most compatible to.

farquezy wrote:well seems like these two are going to run for presidency.

I also know that Obama is very religious while McCain isnt, i wouldnt want a religious president because it could get in the way of his decisions...

JW, how would it get in the way of decisions?


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Post Sat Feb 02, 2008 7:11 am

Well I mean I was basing that statement off of the city I live it. It was partly serious and partly not, but I mean I will explain the recent sheriff elect for an example. Recently we had a black sheriff elected. After he was elected the police actually found out he was a criminal, well he had committed a few crimes previously to his election. And he was also elected illegally. Then rev. Al Sharpten, or however you spell his name came and talked about the issue on the news. He pretty much said that the board was wanting to bend the rules because they don't like who was elected, even though he was fairly elected. Which was pretty much a lie, and then next thing you know (not to be racist) out of every single person that attended that meeting was black, and actually supported what this guy was saying. Maybe it's me, but I would prefer to not have a Sheriff who has already broken the law (something about the timestamps when he was a policemen, and other stuff) and who was also elected illegally (fake signatures of people, people elected as staff members who were not notified, and the such). I mean, maybe its me, but why else would they would the sheriff, a criminal, to stay in office? A poll was taken here and from what I remember, that the large majority said that when they go to vote, race will matter. But that's just my city I live in, maybe it's different elsewhere. Also there was a large amount of blacks that showed up at the polls compared to previous years according tot he news at several poll locations. Just my 2 cents.
It's not the religion that causes wars, it's the men who use religion as a means to control people that do.
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Post Sat Feb 02, 2008 10:16 am

I just thought I should clear up that statement about Obama being overly religious in post 1. Compared to the other candidates, Obama has been the most lax on his opinions and personal beliefs about religion, especially when compared to Huckabee, Romney, or McCain.

I find it funny that if you're a "good Christian", that you're a "God-fearing" person. The less religion in politics, the better, in my personal opinion.

D3ViLsAdvocate wrote:Try shaking the salt harder onto your tongue.


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Post Sat Feb 02, 2008 3:49 pm

Interesting post Ace.

Al Sharpton is not my favorite character. If he cares so much about blacks I want to know why he kept quiet whenever Wolf Blitzer made his various off color blunders on CNN especially the Katrina "They are so black" statement. Wolf should not be in journalism. Neither should Nancy Grace for that matter but that is another story.


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Post Sun Feb 03, 2008 7:52 pm

AdventWolf wrote:
farquezy wrote:well seems like these two are going to run for presidency.

I also know that Obama is very religious while McCain isnt, i wouldnt want a religious president because it could get in the way of his decisions...

JW, how would it get in the way of decisions?
like on abortion, stem cell, and cloning.....

also makes the president want help from god and not make his own decision based on his own opinion and research he has done.
but i honestly dont know just saying that i wouldnt want a religious president.

and is John McCain religious?


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Post Sun Feb 03, 2008 9:00 pm

DarkPacMan77 wrote:The less religion in politics, the better, in my personal opinion.

I agree that there's a dangerous line between religion and politics... but as to how much religion is in politics really depends on your stance on issues.

If you're totally pro choice, couldn't care less about gay marriage, and so on... then yeah, having an nonreligious president would help.
On the other side, having a religious president would help if you were against those things.

I think what people have to keep in mind is that this next president is going to appoint a new supreme court justice whose policies are going to affect us for far longer than the president will.
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Post Tue Feb 05, 2008 5:54 pm

Here it is. It is the 'Choose your Candidate thing, it has 20 questions and shows you who to vote for.

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