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Wii Sales Skyrocket In Japan!

PostPosted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 3:27 pm
by Mailas
The sales for the Wii in Japan just surge through the roof! In the third week of december, sale prices went sky high, as the new hard to buy games arrived throughout the country. Over atleast 297,000 units were shipped and sold sais Media Create Co. Ltd. For Japan that is more than almost half triple the amount of current weekly sales. Media Create also sais that the supply is limited to how much Wii's can be stored as of now.

With so little time left, Nintendo is greiving boldly at the edge to await its millionth wii console sale (I sure would of wanted to be that guy if I hadn't of baught one too early ;} ) Up to the day before new years, over 800, 900 consoles have been sold! It jumps straight ahead of the PS3 and 360, for PS3 only 76,000 consoles were sold this week, as for 360
only 16,000. You guys know the scores, so keep at those sales Nintendo!