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RROD prevention methods..

PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 2:04 am
by Reigo80
Anyone know any good ideas to prevent the deadly Red Ring of Death?

PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 4:14 am
by ace
Intercooler, don't play yur 360 for 12 hours strait, don't leave your cat beside it, don't spill liquid on it, leave it on it's side (Theoretically of course), and well, yea. That's the basics lol.

PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 4:16 am
by Reigo80
Some people say Vertical is the way to go..

PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 5:44 am
by BKFraiders7
well if u have an intercooler ex then either is fine.

But if u dont...then on its side is best. Your opening up one of the biggest vents on the system (the side u would be covering if vertical)

PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 11:21 am
by ace
I like horizontal better. I've never been keen on laying a motherboard vertical, especially since the key problem with gpu's in 360's is it becoming unsoldered. So gravity would naturally pull it down, but if horizontal then it wouldn't :p But that's just something I made up, I keep the vent unblocked anyways. Theres also a huge vent on the bottom too :p Much larger then the little dinky one on the side under the mobo. 4 point suspension is better anyways so you don't block any vents and it's horizontal.

PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 8:24 pm
by Reigo80
I also heard from Darksleem that Horizontal scratches your disks. He said that his friend has his horizontal and all of his disks are screwed.

PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 2:58 am
by BKFraiders7
Well since horizontal is laying flat i dont see why it would.....

PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 10:51 am
by ace
It only scratches disks if you move it...
Again, according to my great friend Newton, I don't possibly see how it could be better to lay your 360 horizontal and it has a better chance of scratching disks then it does vertical. Or maybe idk, then again maybe the disk has a great chance of it wobbling, but from my experience it hasn't happened to be at all, as long as the xbox is flat then it won't scratch the disks.

PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 11:26 am
by BKFraiders7
In your other post said "I like vertical better. I've never been keen on laying a motherboard vertical". Im do you like vertical or not?

PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 12:10 pm
by AdventWolf
Yea you kinda confused me too, but I think you like horizontal more.

PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 12:22 pm
by ace
O whoa. I didn't realize that, thanks. I meant horizontal XD. It was late at night give me some slack.

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 12:41 am
by Reigo80
I'm thinking of laying it horizontal and elevating it off the table or w/e with maybe Coke Zero or Diet Coke (Good colours) bottle capes placed where those little rubber feet are.

Also because this scars me--v
ace_012 wrote:I like horizontal better. I've never been keen on laying a motherboard vertical, especially since the key problem with gpu's in 360's is it becoming unsoldered. So gravity would naturally pull it down, but if horizontal then it wouldn't :p

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 10:35 am
by ace
Lol I didn't mean to scare you. It was just a fact, that the xbox's really only problem is gpu's getting unsoldered, which isn't a problem anymore. Or at least not as much as it used to be. It's very unlikely that it would become unsoldered, and came apart as much as to make it inoperable. But it's reality :p That's just my theory.