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PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 10:57 pm
by DarkPacMan77
Welcome to the Help Section. This section has been created to accommodate all questions you may have about the Playstation Portable. There are some rules/ guidelines you should follow when creating a new topic in this section.

First and foremost, always READ THE README.TXT file for any download you are having trouble with (if it has one, that is).

1. Ask the question in the Subject Line. This will make everyone recognize what your problem is, and they will be able to answer you faster and more efficiently.

2. Please remember to post details about your problem (your motherboard/ your firmware etc.) if you feel that it is needed.

3. If you are asking a question about a particular emulator/ program/ application/ tool, and you have read the readme.txt file, you should also include exactly WHAT version you are using of the emulator/ program/ application/ tool. This can be found in the readme.txt (usually).

4. Be courtious and allow time for people to respond to you. Try not to double post whenever possible (you will likely be warned if you do) and if you continue to double post then a moderator will most likely send you a private message regarding the issue.

5. Do not create a new post with an "obnoxious subject line" such as

~ "help meeee im a noooooob!!!!!"
~ "I jUsT nEeD sOmE qUiCk HeLp"

Notice that you should not post in either of those ways. Doing so will most likely result in a moderator deleting your post and sending you a private message to notify you that it has been deleted (and how to properly create a topic). No extended letters (ex: meeeee). No topics in all caps. No topics in alternating case (ex: ThIs Is AlTeRnAtInG cAsE).

6. Purposely spamming/ advertising will result in a deleted thread.

7. If you are answering someone's question, DO NOT answer with anything like "search for it" or "google it!!". You may suggest that someone google a certain term, but DO NOT insult another member by telling them to search before trying to help them out.

8. If your question goes unanswered, for whatever reason, and you are still seeking an answer, please feel more than welcome to send a Private Message to one of our members that has this banner in their signature followed by their name:
This banner means that this member has been accepted as someone that knows a lot about the psp and is willing to help out anybody to the best of their ability.

Members that have this banner are:

1. DarkPacMan77
2. Puncharger
3. tbag

If you feel you would like to add this banner to your sig, please send me a Private Message ;)

Thank you for adhering to these rules, and keep in mind that they are flexible, and subject to change. If for any reason you disagree with any of the before-mentioned rules, you are welcome to send me a Private Message about the issue.
