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Post Wed Sep 12, 2007 7:25 pm


Just stopping by, need your guys opinions.
Should I buy a mac? I know s**t about macs but I know a lot more about windows and actually the
building of the box itself. I have heard macs run windows though. If this is true (which I know it is because
of the BootCamp program) which mac console should I buy?
I also want to buy a mac out of curiosity.


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Post Wed Sep 12, 2007 7:32 pm

I'd say that for most everyones basic computing needs, a Mac just isn't a logical purchase. You can build an amazing PC for $600 and then pop a top of the line graphics card in there for $200 - $400 and wham, you've spent $1,000 for a machine more powerful than all of your friends' computers put together.

If you have your mind dead set on a Mac though, they're good computers. I'd just suggest getting the biggest and best that they sell. With Macs, you either go big, or you go home.

D3ViLsAdvocate wrote:Try shaking the salt harder onto your tongue.


Post Wed Sep 12, 2007 7:37 pm

Hmm...well do not worry I have a topnotch computer, I actually ordered some parts
a few weeks ago to build me up a new box. But Im just curious.
Which mac should I get? (I aint getting a laptop though) like what version?
I would like to run windows, so if you know which version of mac runs BootCamp please post that too.


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Post Wed Sep 12, 2007 7:41 pm

You just need any new Mac with an Intel processor. Those are all capable of running BootCamp. Also, for specific models of Mac computers, you may want to send a PM to forum member "SEGA Game Gear". He is a pretty big Mac fan and I'm sure he could point you in the direction for your needs.

Anywho, what are the specs for your current PC?

D3ViLsAdvocate wrote:Try shaking the salt harder onto your tongue.


Post Wed Sep 12, 2007 7:47 pm

And where can I buy a mac? Bestbuy? Futureshop? If its an intel than Im good XD
Dont really want to chit-chat here but I believe I have 512Mb of ram, I think im at 2.5 (4pu..?)GHZ, and I have an Intel(R).
My video card needs to be updated though.

But overall this computer is amazing. I just want a mac out of curiosity. Our school stupidly uses macs
but they seem pretty cool (except for the fact that we have to use the damn stupid laptops)
The only thing I would give it a thumbs down for would be the small apple gaming market. boo!
And Il be sure to give that guy a pm.


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Post Wed Sep 12, 2007 7:51 pm

i have a macbook and i love it. Yes it can run windows in many ways, not just bootcamp. I have a program called parallels desktop which allows me to run windows simutaneously along mac. So theres no need to do any reboots. And parallels runs windows xp/vista, linux, freebsd, OS/2, eComStation, Solaris, and MS-DOS. And yes, you can run them all at the same time. Plus you can cut/paste and drag and drop between the two OS's with ease. If you were to get a mac, here are some things which you need to know. The "apple key/command key" is your control. Hold down the ctrl button and click is your right click. Or if you have a mouse, just press right click for right click. And thats about it. And no, you dont need an antivirus, cause macs are just impossible to get a virus with.


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Post Wed Sep 12, 2007 7:55 pm

i really hate macs
they do run windows
but it's an emulator
i heard it does a crappy job and on most consoles it runs poorly
becuase it runs mac os and xp simotaniously
they are really expensive though, like dpman said, you can get an amazing computer for 1000 dollars
or you can get a mac laptop for 200 more
plus, games arent really made for macs all too much because the target group for gaming companies is the biggest dominating platform, windows, which is about 96% of all computers* now
software designers do the same
if you want something that looks nice
get a mac works
unless you want a great computer that looks nice and runs great and has a lot of software and you are already familiar with
make a new computer or upgrade yours and get vista

*computers = laptop, desktop, so forth... im not talking about calculators or psp's which are considered computers because they do compute


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Post Wed Sep 12, 2007 7:56 pm

I didn't know about the parallels program. That's quite neat, but make sure you have enough free system resources available to run OS's simultaneously. Also, my computer is a 17" laptop with a dual core amd turion x2 1.6ghz processor (3.12ghz) with 2gb of DDR2 533mhz ram and a 7600 go graphics card. It's a beefy laptop. So beefy, I use it as a stand-in desktop computer. Only cost me $865.13 (shipping/ handling included).

D3ViLsAdvocate wrote:Try shaking the salt harder onto your tongue.


Post Wed Sep 12, 2007 7:58 pm

$1000? Naw I got my PC for a sweet $500 deal. (only available in canada :) )
But is there any macs that are in the...........400$-$500 range? XD honestly I havnt worked that much
over the summer Ive only got like $500. I looked at this mac mini thing, whats that?


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Post Wed Sep 12, 2007 9:15 pm

Not worth it, that's what that is. Neat to look at though.

D3ViLsAdvocate wrote:Try shaking the salt harder onto your tongue.


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Post Wed Sep 12, 2007 9:27 pm

actually crait, the computer with the dominating gaming hardware right now (AT THIS VERY MOMENT IN TIME) is actually the new imac (if i can remember correctly) and macs has just signed a new deal with quite a few gaming companies, and i think EA is their biggest. Macs will have an equall share in gaming soon enough. No, windows on a mac is not an emulator, it actually runs windows with full speed and is actually windows, not an emulator, infact, parallels has won 4 awards so far and one of them is actually from PC World magazine.

Be aware, dont ever get vista, right now, its probally the worst operating system in the market. Just wait a year or two untill it gets better. Cause im not sure if they fixed the problem yet, but a majority of microsoft applications and hardware such as Zune, pocket pc, smartphone, does not work with vista. And a majority of software does not work eiter, that includes games. Right now, vista is a no go.

mac minis are alright, i have one, i even posted some pics on the "post pics of your electronics page" but if you can save up 350 more theres this place in vancouver that sells cheap macs.


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Post Thu Sep 13, 2007 5:55 am

You know I don't know a lot about macs (seeing as I seem to never have nuff money to get one :P) but I would so get one if I had the money. My favorite part would be the whole virus deal and the great gui ;). And the only thing I would wish is for Linux to get great pc games! But that's besides the point. I would totally suggest you get one of the better macs (not those danged laptops or whatnot) and that parallel app sounds pretty sweet. I'm sure macs are also better performance wise then a pc running windows, its gotta be. But that's just me 2 cents. Let us know, if and when you get one, how it is and everything though.
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Post Thu Sep 13, 2007 6:22 am

Dano can I have the address on pm or something?
Are they good macs though? And how much are they selling at?


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Post Thu Sep 13, 2007 8:28 am

It all depends on what your doing with a computer.


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Post Thu Sep 13, 2007 9:24 am

yes, slick is right. If you want to use your computer for just gaming and only gaming, then PC is the way to go right now. But if you want reliability, go for macs, cause macs dont crash neither can it get viruses easily. So far, i havent experienced a single crash from a mac, and theres no need to buy an antivirus for it either.

Heres a comparison for you to decide quicker:
Windows media player VS Quicktime :

WMP has the ability to play divX, avi, mpg, wma, wmv, etc. Quicktime can only play MP4 and quicktime files. Now heres the good part, if you install "Flip4mac" then you have windows media player codecs on quicktime plus you get to play mp4 and quicktime files. On PC, if you want to watch quicktime vids, then you have to install quicktime (more programs on your computer)

PC VS MAC exterior :
mac wins, hands down

PC VS MAC interior:
you will find that all macs are up to date on hardware and destroys alot of PC's out there. But the thing is, most PC's comes with bigger capacity HDD, so unless you need 300GB to fill your porn, go for the mac.

PC VS MAC gaming:

yes, PC does have more titles in games. But mac does have the hardware for serious gaming and they will be getting good games from top of the line game companies in the o so close near future. Plus the apple website offers a few hundred free games (good quality graphics halo 2 style) for free.

PC VS MAC support:

currently, there is no legal way of running mac os x on a PC, but with a mac, you can run XP/vista and just about everyother os out there

PC VS MAC functionality:

alot of new PC's out there ship with vista, and vista is horrid, it promts you for just about everything you do, theres a way to fix some of it, but its annoying as hell, and the support of vista is terrible. if you were to get a PC, go for XP. MAC runs alot faster than most pc's without lag, programs just start when you click them, hardly any loading time.

I know i sound biased towards mac, but these are the reasons why i switched from PC to a MAC, everyone is entitled to their opnions right? ;)

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